

**** 想跟米國隊長聊天嗎? 他也很想跟各位談話. 大家可在文章結尾或右下角找到米國隊長的聊天機械人, 不過他只會說英語 :P

**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.

Looking for a Loving Heart @ Fa Sam Hang Village (Siu Lek Yuen)

(帝堡城Castello 巴士站→小瀝源路→廣善街→恆生大學方向→花心坑村方向→引水道→老鼠田坑→繼續往花心坑村→梅子林方向→花心坑村樓梯→左邊進入花心坑→花心石→花心坑旁村路→回花心坑村樓梯→黃牛山指示牌附近下山→黃泥頭巴士站)

(Castello bus-stop→Siu Lek Yuen Road→Kwong Sin Street→The Hang Seng University of HK→Direction for Fa Sam Hang Village→Catchwater→Lo Shue Tin Stream→Direction for Fa Sam Hang Village→Direction for Mui Tsz Lam Village→Upstairs @ Fa Sam Hang Village→Turn left for the stream→Loving Heart Rock→Footpath @ the stream-side→Back to Fa Sam Hang Village→Downstairs near the road signage for Buffalo Hill→Wong Nai Tau bus terminus)


Turn left for the catchwater.

走了十多分鐘, 引水道有秘遁通向老鼠田坑.
Walking along the catchwater for about 10-15 minutes, you can find a stream under the traffic road. Enter from the footpath next to the stream  for Lo Shue Tin Stream.

A dam is in front of our eyes.

Welcome to Lo Shue Tin Stream (it was an old village).

老鼠田坑 Lo Shue Tin Stream.

Back to the catchwater.

花心坑村樓梯, 由左邊進入花心坑
Go upstairs near Fa Sam Hang Village, then turn left for the stream.

花心石在此, 花心隊長終於覓得真心!!!
Finally Captain found his Loving Heart here!!!

Reporter Rudolph 也覓得真心
Reporter Rudolph touched the Loving Heart.

I've found my true love!!!

Go downstairs for Wong Nai Tau bus terminus.

