

A trip to Hawaii on a rainy and misty day

(往西貢小巴 / 巴士→井欄樹→對面的心朗 / 澳頭 入口→往澳頭村方向→小夏威夷徑→寶林北路→魷魚灣村路→敬賢里→鴨仔山→回寶林地鐵站)
(Bus / minibus for Sai Kung→Tseng Lan Shue→Entrance for Sam Long Village at the opposite side→The way for Au Tau Village→Little Hawaii Trail→Po Lam Road North→Yau Yue Wan Village Road→King Yin Lane→Duckling Hill→Back to Po Lam MTR station)







今早天氣相當寒冷, 又有點暗, 不過大家仍照原定計劃, 來個小夏威夷遊!!! 香港也有夏威夷??? 是的, 就在西貢井欄樹附近, 有一條叫 "小夏威夷" 的行山徑, 不過不算太有名, 今天我們一於到小夏威夷一行!! 乘坐往西貢的巴士(或小巴), 在井欄樹下車, 然後走進村口的行人隧道, 過對面的心朗村及澳頭村, 一直沿澳頭村的方向前進.
Cold, and very humid this morning but we still going for a walk to a special place this time. We were going to "Hawaii" today!! Surprised???!! Hahaha, yeah, there is a place called "Little Hawaii Trail" in Sai Kung, near Tseng Lan Shue, but it is not very well-known. Let's start our trip for Hawaii!! Started from Diamond Hill MTR station, we got bus no.92 (for Sai Kung) and got off @ Tseng Lan Shue bus-stop. Then we crossed the road (Hiram's Highway) via the subway near the entrance of Tseng Lan Shue Village, for Sam Long Village and Au Tau Village at the opposite side. Then just keep on walking to the direction for Au Tau Village.

路上鮮花處處, 因下雨的關係, 石澗充滿了水, 到處有春天的氣息!!!
Flowers everywhere and the stream also filled up with rain water!!!

向澳頭村走, 很快便到了小夏威夷徑的入口.
Just keep on walking to Au Tau Village, the direction sign for "Little Hawaii Trail" is nearby.

小夏威夷徑內到處是花草, 非常美麗.
Flowers and trees all along Little Hawaii Trail, it's really a beautiful place!!!

小夏威夷的景點 -- 瀑布!!! 今天有點微雨, 瀑布的水非常澎湃!!
We went near to the waterfall of Little Hawaii, oh, such a beautiful place!

過橋後, 繼續沿小夏威夷徑前行.
We crossed the bridge and continued our walk along Little Hawaii.

很快到了小夏威夷徑的終點, 在這裡可選擇下樓梯往將軍澳村或左轉去魷魚灣.
It is the end of Little Hawaii Trail. You can either go downstairs to Tseung Kwan O Village, or turn left for Yau Yue Wan (Squid Bay).

Go downstairs for Tseung Kwan O Village.

向左轉進入樹林, 可經山路通往魷魚灣.
Or turn left and go through the forest track for Yau Yue Wan (Squid Bay).

Buildings of Po Lam, Tseung Kwan O.

繼續沿石屎路前行, 可以到達清水灣. 我們則選擇沿樓梯下山去魷魚灣.
From here, you can keep on walking along this footpath to Clear Water Bay, but we walked downstairs for Yau Yue Wan (Squid Bay).

下山途中, 發現有寶藏在樹林內.
We discovered some antique furniture in the woods as we were walking downstairs. :P

終於下降至寶林北路, 由這裡步行15分鐘便到地鐵站.
Now we were @ Po Lam Road North, you can walk to Po Lam MTR station from here in 15 minutes.

由寶林北路步進魷魚灣村路, 然後沿敬賢里到魷魚灣兒童遊樂場.
We walked along Po Lam Road North and turned to Yau Yue Wan Village Road. Then we went to King Yin Lane and stopped @ Yau Yue Wan Children's Playground.

魷魚灣兒童遊樂場旁有樓梯, 可上去鴨仔山.
You can go upstairs to Duckling Hill from here -- just next to Yau Yue Wan Children's Playground.

Rain shelter on the road.

一直上山, 最後一段的鋼樓梯很傾斜, 上山頂有點吃力.
Keep on going upstairs for the top of Duckling Hill.

終於到了鴨仔山的山頂, 山頂上有健身設備.
Now we were @ the top of Duckling Hill, no ducks here but we could see some fitness tools and a secret garden.

原路下山, 走到魷魚灣村外一看.
We went down the hill from the same way and then had a look @ the entrance of Yau Yue Wan Village (Squid Bay).

今天行程完畢, 大家走向寶林地鐵站.
Now it is the end of our walk, we went to Po Lam MTR station and it was the time to dismiss.

