

Winter Forest Walk @ Chung Tsai Yuen, Tai Po Kau, NT

(大圍火車站B 出口→九巴 72A→松仔園站下車→大埔滘自然護理區→藍路→下山往山塘路→大埔火車站)
(Exit B of Tai Wai Railway Station→KMB bus no.72A→Get off @ Chung Tsai Yuen bus-stop→Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve→Blue Walk→Downstairs to Shan Tong Road→Tai Po MarketRailway Station)








今天雖然氣溫不高, 但仍有點熱. 在大圍火車站 B 出口起步, 先乘坐 72A巴士, 在松仔園站下車.
A bit cooler today but the temperature is still over 23C. Started from Exit B of Tai Wai Railway Station, we took a KMB bus no.72A and got off @ Chung Tsai Yuen bus-stop.

到了大埔滘自然護理區的入口, 開始沿林徑進發.
Now we were @ the entrance of Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve, we started our walk for the Forest Walks.

雖然已入冬, 但因氣溫仍偏高, 楓葉仍然是綠色!!!! 找遍樹林才找到一片變了紅色的楓葉!!!
Although it is winter already, the temperature is still quite high. The leaves have not turned red yet..... We could find ONLY ONE piece of leaf in red!!!!!!!!

林徑之旅由此開始-- 走那一條好呢??
The forest walk started from here.... which colour should we take?? We still hadn't made a decision yet....

森林外有大水溪, 這裡在夏季是看螢火蟲之地.
A big stream near the forest-- this place is well-known for watching fireflies during the summer.

是決定路線的時候了.... 由於已經是午間, 森林裡又沒有路燈, 我們決定選擇較短的藍路 (4公里), 以便在入黑前完成行程.
Now it is the time for us to choose the trail colour-- now it is in the afternoon, and there is no light source in the forest... so we chose a short trail, the 4-km BLUE WALK, so that we can finish our walk before it becomes dark.

林徑早段, 有野餐場地及遊樂設施.
There is a picnic area with a little playground @ the first part of the trail.

上山續走藍路, 森林內空氣非常清新.
We went uphill to continue for the Blue Walk.

很快便完成一半的行程, 在山上的石澗旁來個大休, 亦是午餐時間.
Had completed nearly half of the trail, we stopped for a rest @ the stream-side, and had our lunch here!!

在森林內午餐, 食物(其實只有麥餅及清水)特別好吃!!!
We had lunch in the forest but we enjoyed it so much!!! (Just whole wheat crackers and water)

午餐及小睡之後, 繼續行程.
After lunch and a nap, we continued for our walk again.

藍路容易走, 只間中有點斜路.
Blue Walk ~ A very hiker-friendly trail (occasionally some ups and downs).

Keep on walking inside the forest.

來到藍路尾段, 有小路可下山直接通往大埔火車站. 大家決定一試這一段小徑.
We were near the last part of Blue Walk. There is a 3-km long trail leading to Tai Po Railway Station, so we tried to walk downstairs from here.

小路非常易走, 不過很長!!!! 接入長長的山塘路, 再由山塘新村步行到大埔墟鐵路站, 今天的森林之行, 正式結束, 之後便是晚飯的時候了!!
This is a very hiker-friendly road but a bit long!!! We kept on walking via Shan Tong Road and finally we reached Shan Tong New Village. Tai Po Market station is nearby. Now it is time for dinner!!!!

