

Labour Day Holiday Special

烏蛟騰雲尋新娘:~ 烏蛟騰+新娘潭短遊
Short walk @ Wu Kau Tang and Bride's Pool (Tai Po, NT)
(Taipo Market KCR→Wu Kau Tang→Monument for the victims of WWII [soldiers and residents who were killed by Japanese troops near Wu Kau Tang village] →Bride's Pool→Tai Yuen Estate→back to Taipo Market)

This time, we will NOT go to Kau Tam Tso or Sam A, we are going to have a look @ the monument for the victims of WWII, which is outside Wu Kau Tang Village. Then we will walk via the forest path from Wu Kau Tang to Bride's Pool.
Lunch @ a vegetarian food stall in Tai Yuen Estate.

Monument for the victims of WWII in Wu Kau Tang:

(In Memory of the Heroic Martyrs Fallen During the war of resistance Against Japan)


Lunch @ Cheung Ha Vegetarian:

今早到了大埔火車站後, 本來打算乘坐20C 小巴往烏蛟騰. 但早已有至少60人在排隊, 只好即跑到巴士站乘坐275R. 於新娘潭總站下車後, 沿新娘潭路步行約15 分鐘便可到達烏蛟騰的 "烈士紀念碑". 今早新界地區一直下雨, 到了新娘潭後雨勢更大 (市區可是晴天!!!!!!!!), 但既然來到, 總不成回市區吧!?!?!? 於是打開雨傘繼續前進.
When we arrived Tai Po Railway station, we quickly "flied" to the minibus terminus. But there were at least 60 people waiting for a minibus to Wu Kau Tang!! So we rushed back to the bus terminus and got on no.275R for Bride's Pool. The rain didn't stop for a second after we had arrived Tai Po, and when the bus stopped @ the bus terminus @ Bride's Pool, the rain was even heavier and heavier..... (It was fine in the urban area!!!) We took out our umbrellas and continued our visit for Wu Kau Tang, which is about 15 mins' walk from Bride's Pool.

到了烏蛟騰的烈士紀念碑公園(其實十分細小!!!), 太陽出來了, 但仍然是下著雨的.... 怪!!!!
Now we were @ the Memorial park for the "Matrys' Cenotaph"~ they were killed during WWII, in the battle with the Japanese troops occupying this place. When we arrived, it became sunny in 1-2 seconds (to welcome us??), but it was still raining.... hahaha!

小徑通往烈士紀念碑的舊址~ 原來烈士紀念碑本來是放置在林中隱閉之處, 2010年才搬到新娘潭路的旁邊!!
This path is leading to the original location of the Matyrs' Cenotaph~ The cenotaph was inside the woods in the past, it was moved to Bride's Pool Road in 2010.

雨勢開始減弱, 便步回新娘潭燒烤場, 打算上山看雨後的瀑布. 但豈料進入後, 雨勢卻又突然增強, 河水即時暴漲!!!
The rain was becoming light as we were walking back to Bride's Pool Bus terminus. So we decided to go uphill and have a look @ the waterfall before we went back to Tai Po for lunch. But after we had entered the Bride's Pool BBQ site, the rain became heavy again!! Streams began to roar and water poured down like mad.... we were trapped @ the riverside!!!

河水暴漲, 像獅子般吼叫, 一證大自然的威力!! 天氣變幻莫測, 終於被困河邊, 只能待雨勢稍減才能前行.
The water level became higher and higher, and also sounded like lion roar!!! A good chance to witness the power of nature!! (Totally NOT a bit funny!!) We were trapped @ the riverside and could not move forward (VERY dangerous!!), nothing we could do, just sat on a big rock and wait for the rain to "pause"....

在石上坐了5-10分鐘, 雨勢減弱了, 但石橋給河水淹蓋, 大家只好跟其他遊人一樣, 脫了鞋子踏入水中過河, 打算到燒烤場的另一邊. 但過河時, 發現水中很多亂石, 如果不小心跌倒, 肯定會給河水沖走, 那就一定淹死... 為了安全, 一致決定不上山看瀑布了, 立即原路徹退.
We had sat on a big rock for 5-10 mins, then the rain became light and we continued for our walk. But the bridge was covered by water and we had to take off our shoes in order to cross the river for the other side of the BBQ site. As we were crossing the river, we found lots of sharp stones on the river-bed, if any of us got hurt or fell down, he / she might be "flushed away" and finally drowned... so we just went back to a safe place....

水流很急, 人或狗都寸步難行. 攝影師哥哥非常勇敢, 不惜跟河水搏鬥, 也要拍出完美照片.
The water currents were so strong that both the dog and its owners could not move forward!! Our brave Mr. Cameraman was still fighting with the river, in order to get a perfect angle for some photos!!

Dogs were having a great time with the water!!!!

我們到了溪澗的另一邊, 這裡有山路, 比較安全, 大家在此稍作休息.
Now we moved to another part of the stream. This part is much safer as a footpath is here. We had a rest @ the stream-side.

警告牌通常會在沒有危險時才會被大家發現!!! :D
Oooooops!!! Usually we can see a Warning Sign when we are just "escape" from dangers!!! :D

