

Short visit to the seaside of Wu Kai Sha


(Wu Kai Sha MTR station→Downstairs to Ground Floor [street]→Yiu Sha Road→To Tau Wan Village→Beach of To Tau Wan Village→Seaside of Ma On Shan→Ma On Shan MTR station)


太陽傘被樹枝弄破了, 回家後要修補一下.
My beach umbrella is torn, need to do some mending / sewing work when I'm home.

正午前, 天氣還是不錯.
The weather is still fine before noon.

馬鞍山開始起霧, 午後應該會下雨..
Becoming misty @ Ma On Shan (Saddle Ridge).
A rainstorm is coming soon.

天氣明顯轉壞, 越來越陰暗.
The weather condition is becoming bad, the sky is getting gloomy and the sea breeze is much stronger.

下雨了.... Started to rain.

躲在太陽傘下, 雨一直持續至差不多四時!!!!
The rain didn't stop until 16:00!!

全部野餐用具都已濕透, 用了90分鐘清理及弄乾.
All our bags and picnic accessories are wet and full of mud!!!
I spent nearly 90 minutes to clean and let them dry.

走到馬鞍山海邊已經是 18:00, 風雨破壞了一個假日.
The rain finally stopped as we arrived the seaside of Ma On Shan, it's already 18:00....
The rainstorm ruined my holiday! Angry!!!!



A visit to the seaside of Ting Kau (Lido Beach) 

(荃灣西鐵路站 E1 出口→九巴 234B→麗都灣巴士站步下麗都灣→更生灣→天橋至巴士站回荃灣市中心)

(Exit E1 of Tsuen Wan West Station [West Rail] →KMB bus no. 234B→Lido Beach bus-stop & downstairs for Lido Beach→Casam Beach→Flyover for the bus-top at the opposite side and back to Tsuen Wan town centre)


汀九橋下, 對岸是青衣島.
Camping under Ting Kau Bridge, Tsing Yi Island @ the opposite side.

汀九橋 Ting Kau Bridge.

青馬橋 Tsing Ma Bridge.

Rainbow after the rain @ Ting Kau Bridge.