Sakura-watching tour along with Rock-watching tour @ Mini Great Wall
(中環5 號碼頭→長洲→學校路→關公忠義亭→觀音灣→小長城賞石)
(Central Pier no. 5→Cheung Chau Island→School Road→Kwan Tai Pavilion→Kwan Yam Wan Beach→Mini Great Wall for rock-watching)
長洲賞櫻團 @ 關公忠義亭
Sakura-watch @ Kwan Tai Pavilion:
Visit to Mini Great Wall (Rock-watching):
今天趁天氣還不錯, 便跟隨跑完馬拉松的大隊到長洲賞櫻花!!! 沒有錯!!! 香港的確有櫻花!!! 就在長洲關公亭旁邊, 一年只有一次, 一次花期都是7-10天左右, 真是機會難逄!!!! 從長洲碼頭出發, 沿學校路上樓梯, 便可看到關公忠義亭!!
The weather was fine today and we all packed up for a "Sakura-watch" after our team-mates were all back from the annual marathon. Sakura-watch in HK???? Yes, there is a sakura tree @ Cheung Chau Island, just next to the Kwan Tai Pavilion!! The cherry blossoms only last for 7-10 days, and just once a year, so we must grab this chance to have a look!! Started from the Cheung Chau ferry pier, we walked via School Road and then went upstairs for Kwan Tai Pavilion.
Now we were @ Kwan Tai Pavilion.
Beautiful cherry blossoms.
櫻花真美!! 小蜜蜂也來湊熱鬧!!! 看見牠嗎???
Beautiful sakura!!! A little bee is also here, can you see it??
看完櫻花, 向觀音灣方向走, 途中看見觀音寺.
We went to Kwan Yam Beach (Aryavalokitesvara Bodhisattva) after the sakura-watch, there is a temple nearby.
觀音廟旁便是小長城的入口, 是一條長長的郊遊徑, 內有很多有名的怪石.
Mini Great Wall, a long hiking path for rock-watching, is near the temple.
饅頭石.... 花老B 有點肚餓了....
Loaf Rock~ looks like a loaf of bread, are you hungry now??
This way for the Yuk Saai (Emperor's Seal) rock
先稍為下山~~ 小心沙路....
Go downslope first~ be careful when you are walking downstairs..
來看長洲最有名的花瓶石.... 像花瓶嗎??
Now take a look @ the most well-known rock of Cheung Chau... Fa Peng (Flower vase) stone.... do you think it looks like a vase??
花瓶石旁的叮噹石, 據說會發出聲音 (是空心的嗎?)
Ding-dong stone, just next to the vase stone. "Ding-dong" is referring to the sound made when the waves hit this rock.
人頭石~~ 的確像一個害羞的少年躲在山邊.
Human Head Stone~~ it really looks like a shy young guy hiding @ the hillside.
Beautiful scene @ the cliff.
玉璽在此, 還不下跪?!?!??! :D
The Emperor's Seal is here!!! (Yuk Saai Rock)... It's quite difficult to imagine this rock looks like the Emperor's seal!!!
烏龜石~~ 倒真的很像!!!
Tortoise rock~ really looks like a tortoise climbing up to the sea-shore!! But maybe we should call it a turtle.... but the official name is tortoise rock...
殭屍石~~~ 看見殭屍手, 卻不見有頭啊!!!
Zombie stone~~ we can see the 2 zombie "hands", but where is the zombie head????
Kwan Yam Beach.
方便醫院~~ 昔日提供善終服務的地方, 早已荒廢.
Former Fong Bin Hospital~~ actually it used to be a hospital providing hospice services for the elderlies and people who are seriously ill, to take care of them before they pass away.
Ukulele 教室!!!
Ukulele classes here!!!
"Firework" flowers... haha
Ferry services (actually boats) for Cheung Po Tsai Cave.