Visit to Pak Tam Au and Chek Keng (McLehose Trail Stage 2), Sai Kung
(彩虹地鐵站C2 出口→小巴1A→西貢碼頭→九巴 94號→北潭凹站下車→麥理浩徑第2段→赤徑→原路回程)
(Choi Hung MTR station Exit C2→Minibus no.1A→Sai Kung Pier→KMB bus no. 94→Get down @ Pak Tam Au stop→McLehose Trail Stage 2→Chek Keng→Back from the same way)
今早於彩虹站C2 出口外乘1A 小巴往西貢碼頭, 然後再轉乘九巴94號於北潭凹站下車.
We took minibus no.1A from exit C2 of Choi Hung MTR station, and then got off @ Sai Kung Pier. From there, we just changed to another KMB bus no.94 and finally reached Pak Tam Au bus-stop.
麥理浩徑 2段的入口起步, 向赤徑白普理堂的方向走, 不久便是 M048的標柱. 往赤徑的路全是石屎路, 非常好走.
Now at the entrance of McLehose Trail Stage 2, now moving towards Bradbury Hall (Chek Keng), and distance post M048 is nearby. The path to Chek Keng is all concrete footpath, very hiker-friendly.
Ngau Wu Tun Campsite is nearby.
Wong Ma Tei and Wong Shek Pier.
Wong Shek and other islands.
Long Hill.
向鹹田方向繼續走, 另一方向則可通往黃石碼頭 (經土瓜坪)
We kept on moving to the way for Ham Tin, the other side is for Wong Shek Pier (via To Kwa Peng)
Sharp peak.
進入赤徑村前, 有一小徑可通往一片非常闊大的天然濕地.
There is a footpath which leads to a very large piece of wetland and mangrove (Before entering Chek Keng Village)
非常美麗的濕地, 紅樹林及海岸.
Very beautiful wetland and mangrove @ the seaside.
可愛的水筆仔 (秋茄~ 紅樹的一種)
Very cute "pens"!! (Kandelia obovata)
古樸的赤徑村, 已沒有多少村民居住.
Old Chek Keng Village with only a few families living in.
Light tower of Chek Keng.
森林內仍有不少牛, 小牛非常可愛, 但很害羞!
There are quite a number of cattles living inside the woods, with 2 lovely babies (but very shy)!!!
到此為止, 已走了2.25 公里~ 不再往鹹田那邊走, 沿著海邊進入赤徑的紅樹林.
Now we had been walking for 2.25km~ it is the time to stop walking to Ham Tin, but move to the footpath along the seaside.
美麗的紅樹林區!! 連小狗也來望海!!!!
Such a beautiful place!!! Even the dog was here for sunbathing, and had a mangrove-watch.
再續行往白普理堂, 路上全是美麗的紅樹林.
Keep on moving to Bradbury Hall (the last part of the trail), beautiful mangrove is everywhere!!
赤徑碼頭~ 這裡有渡輪往黃石碼頭
Chek Keng pier~ there are ferries for Wong Shek Pier.
白普理堂青年營社, 要預約才能進入
Bradbury Hall Youth Hostel is @ the slope~ reservation is needed!!
原路走回北潭凹起點, 於北潭凹村外等待巴士回西貢碼頭.
We moved back to Pak Tam Au entrance from the same route, and waited for a bus to go back for Sai Kung Pier outside Pak Tam Au village.
大自然的禮物~~ 在濕地上檢來的水筆仔!!!
Gifts from the nature~ "Pen" mangrove!! We picked up from the wetland!!