Preparing for the Chinese New Year~ Rice cake tour @ Po Toi O, Clear Water Bay, Sai Kung
(地鐵竇林站B1 出口→小巴16 號→布袋澳村總站)
(Exit B1 of Po Lam MTR station→Minibus no.16→minibus terminus @ Po Toi O Village)
快到農曆新年, 趁今早天氣甚佳, 一於去闊別多年的布袋澳(上一次是2009年!) 一遊, 順道在那裡買年糕!! (聽聞那裡出產的賀年糕點全是人手製造 + 以柴火蒸煮, 現在已難得一見了.) 在地鐵寶林站 B1 出口出發, 附近有扶手電梯往小巴總站.
Chinese New Year is coming (2 weeks later)!!! It is the time for getting some snacks for the new year!! As the weather was warm and fine this morning, we decided to have a visit to Po Toi O, which is a place famous for New Year rice cakes (all handmade and cook with the use of firewood! Very different from those produced by mass production in food factories). We havn't visited Po Toi O (next to Clear Water Bay, Sai Kung) since the last visit in 2009, so it is the right time for another visit!! Started from Exit B1 of Po Lam MTR station, we went down to the minibus terminus by the escalator near the shopping mall.
在小巴總站乘坐16號小巴~ 留意時間表, 因為半小時才有一班!!!
Get minibus no.16 from the minibus terminus~ read the timetable first, the minibus comes once every 30 minutes!!
名符其實清水灣~~ 水真的很清!!
Clear Water Bay~ The water is really so clear!!!
Just arrived Po Toi O.
布袋澳村的年糕店及石磨. (其實整條村都有大大小小的年糕店)
Rice cake shop and a stone grinder. (Actually there are a number of rice cake shops inside the village)
布袋澳的海邊~ 很多小艇, 另有小魚排在海上飄浮.
The seaside of Po Toi O~ with lots of boats, and fishing rafts floating on the water.
海邊可憐的咸魚..... (一條要HK$158!!!)
Poor dried and salted fish @ the seaside (Each HK$158!!!!)
Hung Shing Temple @ the seaside, with a stone lion which is decorated in red for the Chinese New Year (for some new year rituals).
The road @ the seaside is also fully decorated for the new year.
Boats for rental~ for a ride around Po Toi O
海天一色, 連成一線.....
Beautiful scenes @ the seaside.
漁村風光~ 對岸有不少村屋, 可惜只能以水路前往 (陸路要從大坳門路前往).
Scenes @ this fish village~ there are a number of village houses @ the opposite side, but only can be accessed by boats, no village roads..... (That side can be accesed via Tai Au Mun Road which is NOT near Po Toi O village)
布袋澳海邊有小路, 可通往一座白色小屋, 那邊的景色更美.
There is a little path along the seaside of Po Toi O, you can see a lovely little white house at the end of this road, with more attractive scenes @ that side.
對面那尖尖的山便是蚺蛇尖~ 非常斜, 又多沙石, 一般人士絕對不宜攀登.
The hill over there is Sharp Peak~ a very challenging trail, very steep and bumpy, NOT suitable for non-experienced hikers.
手製年糕的出生地~ 村內的大廚房, 內有巨大的灶頭及大型蒸籠, 全是柴火作燃料.
The "birth-place" for those handmade rice cakes~ a large kitchen with large steamers, big traditional Chinese stone (or cement) stoves, and firewood can be placed under the stoves. (Rarely seen in HK)
再見, 布袋澳!!!
Bye Bye, Po Toi O!!
年糕在此!!~ (中)紅豆糕, (下)迷你黃糖年糕
Rice cakes back home finally~ (middle)red bean rice cake, (bottom)Mini brown sugar rice cake