Visit to Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park and Wan Tsai Peninsula, Sai Kung
(彩虹地鐵站C2 出口→小巴1A→西貢碼頭→小巴7 號→海下村→海下灣海岸公園→灣仔半島→灣仔西營地→灣仔南營地→南風灣→黃石碼頭→黃石家樂徑→回市區)
(Exit C2 of Choi Hung MTR station→Minibus no. 1A→Sai Kung Pier→Minibus no. 7→Hoi Ha Village Minibus terminus→Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park→Wan Tsai Peninsula→Wan Tsai West Campsite→Wan Tsai South Campsite→Ferry to Wong Shek Pier from Nam Fung Wan Pier→Wong Shek Pier→Wong Shek Family Walk→Back to the urban area)
今早在彩虹地鐵站乘小巴往西貢碼頭後, 便再轉乘7號往海下村的小巴. 往海下村的小巴30分鐘才有一班, 要早點去排隊了.
We took a minibus from Choi Hung MTR station this morning for Sai Kung Public pier. Then we took minibus no.7 from Sai Kung for Hoi Ha Village. Please queue up as early as possible, you have to wait for another 30 mins if you miss one.
到了海下村, 沿往灣仔的方向走.
Arrive Hoi Ha Village and walk to the way for Wan Tsai Campsite.
美麗的海下灣海岸公園就在眼前!!!! 附近有不少牛.
Wooow, see how beautiful Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park is!!! There are cattles everywhere!
A lime kiln near Hoi Ha Wan.
海下灣海岸公園的海邊, 海裡有不少珍寶如珊瑚等....
At the seaside of Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park, there are lots of treasure in the water, such as coral, fish... etc....
海下灣的海洋生物中心, 但要預約才能入內參觀.
The marine life centre of Hoi Ha Wan, but reservation is needed before entering.
Now going upstairs via Tai Tan Country Trail.
Sightseeing @ the hillside for Hoi Ha Wan.

終於到了灣仔半島的入口, 這裡名叫"欄路坳", 如要直接前往灣仔營地, 請往前走再靠右邊的小徑前進 (這裡沒有營地的指示牌!!!).
Now we were @ the entrance of Wan Tsai Peninsula, this part is Lan Lo Au. If you are going to the Wan Tsai Campsite, please keep on going ahead and stick to the right-hand side (NO direction signs for the campsite here!)
我們先往左邊的叢林小徑走, 內裡是一片荒野. 上山拍照後, 再折回出口進入右邊通向營地的路.
We first walked via the road @ the left-hand side which is a forest track.... Full of trees and rocks this side, we went up a slope for some photos and then went back to the entrance and turned right for the road to the campsite.

右邊的路通往灣仔西營地~ 營地很大, 今天天色甚佳, 大家在營地內玩得十分起勁.
Walked via the road @ the right-hand side~ We had great fun @ the Wan Tsai West Campsite this afternoon.
玩完西營地, 往南營地玩.
Leaving the West Campsite and turned to the South Campsite for fun.
南營地旁邊是南風灣, 有小輪到黃石碼頭~ 反正未去過黃石, 趁船未離開即出海一行!!!!
Nam Fung Wan pier is just @ the South Campsite, there are ferries for Wong Shek Pier (Sai Kung). We havn't been to Wong Shek before, so we jumped to the ferry and started our "voyage" to Wong Shek!!
This is Chek Keng.
Now we are @ Wong Shek Pier.
黃石碼頭亦有其他小輪通往塔門, 高流灣, 荔枝莊及深涌等離島.
There are ferries @ Wong Shek pier for other outlying islands such as Grass Island, Ko Lau Wan, Lai Chi Chong and Sham Chung.
地圖:~ 原來從灣仔來黃石都很遠!! (紅圈是灣仔西營地, 綠圈是灣仔南營地及南風灣, 黃圈則是黃石碼頭)
See the map~ Oooops, the distance between Wan Tsai campsite and Wong Shek pier is long! (Circle in red~ Wan Tsai West Campsite, green circle~ Wan Tsai South campsite and Nam Fung Wan, the yellow circle is Wong Shek Pier.)
Now @ Pak Tam Road.
Already FULL @ Wong Shek Campsite.
黃石家樂徑一行, 景色不錯.
Great scenes @ Wong Shek Family Walk.
天氣甚好, 很多人來玩風帆.
Fine and warm today, perfect for surfing.
乘96R 巴士離開, 可惜在南圍村附近巴士卻拋錨, 大家要在路邊轉乘其他巴士.... :(
We left by bus no.96R, but very unlucky the bus broke down near Nam Wai (Sai Kung), we had to wait for another bus @ the roadside. :(