Short walk @ Jordan Valley Park
(九巴27 號巴士→順利消防局下車→佐敦谷公園→往佐敦谷山路)
(KMB bus no. 27→Shun Lee Fire Station bus-stop→Jordan Valley Park→Hillside trail to Jordan Valley stream)
今早在太子乘坐九巴 27號巴士在順利消防局下車, 然後步至新清水灣道的佐敦谷公園入口.
Started from Prince Edward, we took a KMB bus no.27 and got down @ Shun Lee Fire Station. Then we just walked to the main entrance of Jordan Valley Park @ New Clear Water Bay Road.
先到模型賽車場看比賽~~ 這裡有室外及室內的賽車場, 天天都有模型車發燒友來此玩賽車, 亦有模型車學會在此舉辦相關課程.
First we rushed to the model car racing course~~ there are both Outdoor and Indoor racing courts, many people come here for "car-racing" every day and different model car training classes are held here frequently.
公園內有一大片草地, 有人還在此露營!! 非常有趣!!
A big piece of grass in the center of the park, you can run or fly your kites here!! Some people had set up a tent here today!!! Very interesting idea!!
小型風力發電裝置及公園的平面圖, 設備一流!!
Very colourful windmills and the layout of the park.
離開公園, 向公園的後山進發!! 這山路應該可通往真正的佐敦谷石澗 (從前是佐敦谷水塘的一部份, 但水塘已給填平, 變成今天的公園).
We left the park and now for some "adventures"! This sandy footpath @ the hillside is at the back of Jordan Valley Park, which is leading to Jordan Valley Stream (it used to be part of the Jordan Valley Reservoir, but the reservoir has become Jordan Valley Park now), but seems that the stream is still at the other side of the hill.....
Kowloon Peak, near Shun Lee Estate.