Visit to Giant Wishing Windmill @ Lam Tsuen Village, Fong Ma Po, Tai Po, NT
(大埔火車站→九巴 64K→放馬莆(林村許願樹)站下車→林村)
(Tai Po Railway Station→KMB bus no. 64K→Get off @ Fong Ma Po (Lam Tsuen Wishing Tree) stop→Lam Tsuen Village)
今早大家去林村一探許願樹! 先在大埔火車站乘搭往林村的64K 巴士, 在放馬莆(林村許願樹) 下車.
Today we were going to see the famous wishing tree in Lam Tsuen Village!! We took a bus no. 64K @ Tai Po Bus terminus and then got off @ Fong Ma Po (Lam Tsuen Wishing Tree) bus-stop.
Now entering Lam Tsuen Village!
賀年裝設~ 遊戲及港式繪馬!
For celebrating the Chinese new year~ games and HK style "Ema" (絵馬)
Village Committtee office and Tin Hau Temple.
很有特式的巨型許願風車!! 可惜最後因風水關係, 在村民的反對下給拆掉了.
See this lovely giant wishing windmill!!! But it was already disassembled and replaced by small windmills before the Chinese New Year due to the "feng-shui" problem (as said by the villagers). Really a pity!!!!
For HK Well-wishing Festival.
現在的膠製許願樹~ 可供拋寶碟而不會弄壞樹.
The exisiting plastic wishing tree~ people can still throw the wishing cards and oranges to the branches without hurting the tree itself.
Other 2 trees are fully decorated.
A little grass hut near the wishing corridor.
要保護許願樹!!! 不過有新聞報告說, 以前的許願樹, 因多年來給人拋上的寶碟及橙所壓傷, 現已瀕臨死亡, 只餘下十多年的壽命..... :(
Rehabilitation of the wishing tree~ But heard from some news reports, the wishing tree is already seriously injured because of the wishing cards and oranges thrown to the branches and hanging there for years, the tree is dying now and only is expected to live for 10 years!! :(
可憐的許願樹, 早已五癆七傷, 要靠枝架支撐, 否則會隨時倒下.
The original wishing tree~ poor baby... it is dying and just being supported by these pillars, otherwise it will collapse at any time.