Sightseeing @ Cape D'Aguilar Marine Park
(筲箕灣地鐵站→往石澳 9號巴士→鶴咀站下車→鶴咀路→鶴咀電台→鶴咀海岸保護區→原路來回)
(Shau Kei Wan MTR station→Bus no. 9 for Shek O→Cape D'Aguilar bus-stop→Cape D'Aguilar Road→Cape D'Aguilar Radio Station→Cape D'Aguilar Marine Reserve→Back to the bus-stop from the same route)
今天是清明節, 到處是往掃墓的人, 我們到了一處沒有墓穴之地一遊 --- 鶴咀!!! 由鶴咀巴士站起步, 經鶴咀道往鶴咀海岸保護區進發!!!
Ching Ming Festival today (for tomb visiting!!) and we were going to a place where NO graves can be found --- Cape D'Aguilar, a place near Shek O. We started our walk from the bus-stop of Cape D'Aguilar, for the Marine Reserve.
路上有森林小屋, 走近一看, 原來是有名的石澳梅菜製造場!!! 難得遇上, 進去買了點梅菜.
網址: 如果看不到, 就用 Big-5!!
We saw a little hut in the woods, we walked near to have a look. Oh, it is a food factory, for the famous Shek O preserved mustard cabbage (it is used as spices)!! We met the owner this morning and bought some packs from them.
繼續沿鶴咀道走, 很快到了鶴咀電台.
We kept on walking along Cape D'Aguilar Road and we reached the radio station in a short time.
由於鶴咀電台是禁區, 我們要從草地的小徑走向海岸保護區.
Cape D'Aguilar Radio station is a restricted area, so we walked to the Marine Reserve via the footpath on the grass.
Nice scenes everywhere!!
路程不長, 很快便到達鶴咀海岸保護區
Now we were @ Cape D'Aguilar Marine Reserve.
非常美麗的海岸!! 背後的建築物是海洋科學研究所.
Beautiful sea-coast!!! The building at the back is the Swire Institue of Marine Science.
有海怪????!!! 是鯨魚骨!!!
Sea monster encounter?!?!??! Hahaha, just whale skeleton.
We went near the sea @ the front of the Institue of Marine Science.
海岸樂趣多 -- 可賞石又可賞海景.
We had a great time along the sea-coast -- playing on the rocks or walking along the seaside.
要暫別海岸, 有點不捨.
Now it was the time to have fun @ other places.
在海岸保護區的路上, 有樓梯下去此神秘 "雷音洞"!!!!
This side looks COOOOL, there are staircases leading to this sea cave (it is called "Thundering Cave" in Cantonese!!!)
一探雷音洞... 非常好玩!!!
Really a good place!!!!!!!! Enjoy your time here!!!
潮聲極大, 不愧是 "雷音洞"!!!!!!!! 太有趣了!!!
The sound of waves really as loud as thundering!!!!!!!!!! A wonderful place for fun!!!!!
最後景點 --- 鶴咀燈塔!!! (後面有樓梯)
The last scenic spot -- Lighthouse of Cape D'Aguilar!!! A pity the door is locked. (Staircases at the back)
不經不覺已經接近黃昏, 大家原路回巴士站了.
We had a great time and getting dark now... we went back to the bus-stop from the same route.... time for dinner!!