Visit to Tai Long Sai Wan and Double Deer Stream
(西貢親民街 29R 村巴→西灣亭→稍探鹿湖郊遊徑→回西灣亭→步向西灣村→大浪西灣→雙鹿石澗下游入口→四疊潭→麥理浩徑→咸田灣→大浪大圍村→赤徑→渡輪至黃石碼頭→巴士回市區)
(Village bus no. 29R @ Chan Man Street, Sai Kung→Sai Wan Pavilion→Short walk @ Luk Wu Country Trail→Back to Sai Wan Pavilion→Sai Wan Village→Tai Long Sai Wan beach→Lower stream of Double Deer stream→Sei Dip Tam pond→MacLehose Trail→Ham Tin Beach→Tai Long Village [Tai Wai] →Chek Keng→Ferry to Wong Shek Pier→Back to the urban area by bus)
今天又來大浪西灣!!!! 不過在走向西灣村之前, 先在西灣亭往左邊走, 到鹿湖郊遊徑看一下. 上了一段石級後, 便是吹風坳 (不是往西灣村那邊的吹筒坳!!!), 附近有小鹿斑比的標柱為記. :P
We went for Tai Long Sai Wan beach again today!!! But before going to Sai Wan Village, we had a look for Luk Wu (Deer Lake) Country Trail first. Started from Sai Wan Pavilion, we turned left and walked along the traffic road (Sai Wan Road). After going upstairs for a while, we reached Chui Fung Au (Please note that this side is NOT "Chui Tung Au" --- which is near Sai Wan Village). You will see a distance post with Bambi's head on it :P, showing you that you are ready for Deer Lake (Luk Wu).
由於時間不多, 我們只稍作停留, 鹿湖郊遊徑的風景不錯, 但全程都無遮掩, 很熱, 冬天才會再來.
As we didn't have enough time for a walk, we only stayed @ Luk Wu Country Trail for less than 30 minutes!! The mountain scenes are great throughout the trail, but you will be under the sun for the whole walk, very very hot especially during summer time. We will come again this winter.
往西灣村途中, 在路上發現一條秘道, 內有小塘及小型瀑布!!
We found a "secret path" when we were going to Sai Wan Village. There is a pond and a little waterfall inside.
到了西灣村, 先在大浪西灣的海邊茶座來個冰凍豆腐花.
Now we were @ Sai Wan Village. We had a chilled sweet tofu pudding @ the seaside cafe of Tai Long Sai Wan beach.
今天很熱, 很多人在大浪西灣游泳.
Very hot today (30C !!!) and many swimmers came early in the morning!!!
過橋可通往咸田 (麥理浩徑), 但我們先往橋後左邊的小路.
This bridge is the way for Ham Tin beach (part of MacLehose Trail), but before crossing the bridge, we had a walk via the footpath at the left side, @ the back of the bridge.
由此路進入, 一直向前走......
We kept on walking along this way.....
終於走到雙鹿石澗, 四疊潭的下游!!! 此處只是入澗位, 一直沿路爬上岩石, 後面可看到瀑布.
Now we were @ the lowest part of Double Deer Lake, this side is called "Sei Dip Tam". You can keep on walking along the footpath and climb up the rocks for waterfalls and other ponds!!!
看完石澗, 返回麥理浩徑.
We did not have much time to go for the waterfall, so we kept on our walk for MacLehose Trail.
Time to say "good-bye" to Tai Long Sai Wan beach.
A sun dial and Sai Wan Camp site on the hill.
在舊旅遊書中找到此地圖, 圖中顯示在西灣營地附近有清代古墓..... 我們今天要找出此古墓!!
I got this old map from an old travel book --- there should be an ancient tomb (built in the Qing Dynasty!!!) near Sai Wan Camp Site!! We were looking for this old tomb this morning!!
找了一段路也沒發現, 正打算放棄時, 赫然發現草叢中有白色墓碑!!! 找到古墓了, 不過古墓已經過修葺, 沒有一點清代的痕跡.
We havn't found anything along the way but suddenly we saw white tomb-stone inside the grass!!!! Yes, this is the ancient tomb (Qing Dynasty)!!! But as the tomb has been renewed, it does not look like a Qing style tomb any more!!!!
We were near Ham Tin Beach.
咸田美景 -- 有瀑布!!!!!
Beautiful scenes of Ham Tin --- with a waterfall!!!
又要過橋, 橋面又窄又不平, 很怕會掉進水中!!!
I hate this "bridge"!!! Narrow and uneven, I nearly fell into the water!
Inside Ham Tin Village.
A big crab walking with us!!
到了大浪的大圍村, 我們停下來吃午飯 --- 蔬菜炒飯..... 另有非常特別的餸菜 --- 炒紅菜頭, 而且還是新鮮採摘的!!!
We arrived Tai Long Village (Tai Wai), and we stopped here for lunch --- fried rice with vegetables, and a special order --- fried beetroot!!! The beetroot is freshly picked and cooked!!!!
Going to Chek Keng.
到了赤徑碼頭, 乘小輪到黃石碼頭
Now we were waiting for a ferry for Wong Shek Pier from Chek Keng.
Waiting for a bus for the urban area @ Wong Shek Pier.