

Running with thunderstorm @ Tai Mo Shan

(荃灣西鐵站 E1 出口→九巴51號→郊野公園站下車→大帽山道→大帽山扶輪公園賞櫻→大帽山道上山→雷電殺手追殺→原路逃亡)
(Exit E1 of Tsuen Wan West Railway station→KMB bus no.51→Get down @ Country Park bus-stop→Tai Mo Shan Road→Sakura watch @ Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park→Go to the hilltop via Tai Mo Shan Road→Chased by Killer Thunderstorm→Evacuate from the same route)






今天有點陰暗, 不過為了到大帽山賞櫻, 我們仍是一早出動. 在荃灣西鐵路站 E1 出口旁, 乘坐九巴 51號, 於郊野公園站下車. 沿著馬路走 (荃錦公路), 便是大帽山郊野公園的入口.
Cloudy this morning but we still went for our Sakura-watching @ Tai Mo Shan, the highest peak of HK. From exit E1 of Tsuen Wan West Railway Station, we took KMB bus no.51, which is just next to the exit. Then we got off @ Country Park bus-stop and started our walk along the traffic road (Route TWISK) and now we were @ the entrance of Tai Mo Shan Country Park.

到了扶輪公園, 園內有三十多棵櫻桃樹, 賞櫻之行開始.... 可惜三十多棵櫻桃樹加起來才有不足一百的櫻花, 大部份櫻花都掉光了...... 真是失望之極.
Now we were @ Rotary Park, where around 30 cherry trees are planted, and it is also a good place for Sakura-watching. But today, we could find no more than 100 cherry blossoms from all the trees.... nearly all the flowers dropped..... very annoyed....

We walked along Tai Mo Shan Road for the hilltop.

沿路美景 -- 滿山花開 + 巨大豬豬(蜘蛛)網!!!!
Beautiful scenes along Tai Mo Shan -- Flowers everywhere with a big spider web!!

Became more and more misty as we were going up.

We could still see Tsuen Wan Town Centre.

面向元朗這一邊, 天色已開始轉壞, 黑雲加速凝聚, 一場腥風血雨正在蘊釀中......
The weather is getting worse and worse @ the side facing Yuen Long --- rainclouds are formed, more and more humid, thunderstorm is near.

天氣轉壞之快超越預期, 眼前所見, 一大片雨雲正從元朗那邊飄來!!!!
The weather turned bad very quickly, just out of our imagination. We could see a large piece of raincloud from Yuen Long now getting closer and closer to us!!!!

能見度已大幅下降, 我們都被大霧包圍, 附近有已荒廢的軍用石屋, 可惜門已鎖上, 窗子又太高又有破碎玻璃, 難以走進去避雨.
Poor visibility..... we were trapped by the fog..... There is an abandoned military stone house but already locked. The windows are high from the ground, with broken glass everywhere, we could hardly go inside.....

開始下雨了..... 在禁區旁, 很多人正趕緊下山, 我們亦開始逃亡.... :P
The rain had started..... Now we were @ the Restricted Area (the way for the hilltop). Many hikers were running down from the hilltop, and we started to run down with them.

雨中大逃亡 -- 由於地勢高又空曠, 無處可躲避, 雷電就在身旁落下, 伴著閃電不停, 驚險萬分!!!!
We were running down to find the nearest safe place for hiding, but as we were on a high area with no shelter at all, thunder and lightnings were very close to us --- with frequent thundering sounds like explosion along the way.... really like part of the horror movies....!!

幸好在路上有一個木涼亭, 我們迅速躲在亭下. 在亭中, 雷電交加, 多次看見閃電在亭外落下, 加上陣陣雷聲在亭上掠過, 為今天的賞櫻之旅增添了大量緊張刺激的氣氛, 值回票價.
Luckily we found a wooden rain shelter on the road and we were hiding under it. We could see lightnings outside the rain shelter, just a few feet from us...! Thundering sound was just above the rain shelter, luckily it is tough enough!!! Really a very exciting experience!!!!! :D

