Visit to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Garden @ Butterfly Beach, Tuen Mun
(西鐵屯門站 C2 出口→港鐵接駁巴 K52→蝴蝶灣公園→蝴蝶灣海灘→海濱長廊→青山灣→港鐵接駁巴 K52 回屯門站)
(Exit C2 of Tuen Mun Railway Station [West Rail line] →MTR bus no. K52→Butterfly Beach Park bus-stop→Butterfly Beach→Seaside Promenade→Castle Peak Bay [Tsing Shan Wan] →Back to Tuen Mun Railway Station by MTR bus no. K52)
很久沒有去屯門一帶, 今天就來個屯門海灘行!! 先在西鐵屯門站 C2 出口的巴士站起步, 乘坐往龍鼓灘的 K52號巴士.
We have not been to Tuen Mun for years, today we were going to have a beach walk there!!! Started from exit C2 of Tuen Mun Railway Station (West Rail line), we took an MTR bus, no. K52 which is for Lung Kwu Tan Beach.
We stopped @ Butterfly Beach Park bus-stop.
蝴蝶灣公園內的營地, 向著沙灘, 方便游泳.
There is a big campsite near the bus-stop, which is facing Butterfly Beach, a nice place for both camping and swimming.
We had sun-bathing @ Butterfly Beach.
蝴蝶灣沙灘上有大量貝殼, 水母及粗如繩索的海藻.
We found these on the beach -- seashells, jellyfish and seaweed as thick as a pile of string......
陽光真猛, 今天真的很熱!!!
Very hot today with very strong sunshine!!
在蝴蝶灣海邊, 有佛教青年協會的觀音公園和菩提園.
Guan-yin Garden (Avalokitesvara Garden) and Bodhi Garden run by HK Buddhist Youth Association, just @ the seaside of Butterfly Beach.
Statue of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is facing Butterfly Beach.
HK Buddhist Youth Association @ Butterfly Beach.
離開沙灘, 走到蝴蝶灣的另一邊, 這裡遊人稀少, 十分寧靜舒適.
We left Butterfly Beach and now @ another side of Butterfly Bay. Nearly no visitors were coming for this side, a nice place to watch the tides and enjoy a silent afternoon.
Now we were walking along the Butterfly Bay promenade for Castle Peak Bay.
到了屯門碼頭, 這裡有渡輪可直達東涌及大澳
Now we were @ Tuen Mun Pier. There is ferry service for Lantau Island -- both Tung Chung and Tai O.
最後一站-- 青山灣, 這裡亦可看到咖啡灣, 黃金泳灘及屯門避風塘.
The last stop of today -- Castle Peak Bay!! We could also see Cafeteria Beach, Golden Coast Beach and Tuen Mun typhoon shelter.