Great time with goats @ Tai Lam Chung Reservoir, Tuen Mun
(西鐵屯門站 F1 出口→河傍街→小巴43 號→掃管芴村→掃管芴村天后廟→大欖涌水塘→水壩)
(Exit F1 of Tuen Mun Railway Station [West Rail line] →Ho Pong Street→Minibus no.43→So Kwun Wat Village→Tin Hau Temple→Tai Lam Chung Reservoir→Main dam)
今早天色明朗, 大家在西鐵屯門站 F1 出口起步, 先乘升降機到地面, 再沿河傍街走進街市, 乘坐 43號往掃管芴村的小巴.
A sunny and warm day. We gathered @ exit F1 of Tuen Mun Railway Station (West Rail line), and then we went to the ground floor by the elevator next to the exit. Walking along Ho Pong Street and finally we stopped @ the market and took minibus no.43, which is going to So Kwun Wat Village.
小巴停在掃管芴天后廟前. 由於是天后誕, 天后廟門外有一個巨大的花牌.
The minibus stopped in front of Tin Hau Temple of So Kwun Wat Village. As Deity Tin Hau's birthday is coming soon, a large red signage board is hung outside the temple, decorated with fake flowers, a peacock and 2 dragons.
天后廟旁左邊的村路, 可通往今天的目的地 -- 大欖涌水塘.
The footpath at the left-hand side of Tin Hau Temple is the way for Tai Lam Chung Reservoir, our spot of the day!!
走到分义路 --- 右邊是往程屋村, 別進入, 另一方向才是往水塘.
Now there is a 2-direction road ... the right side is for Ching Uk village..... don't go into this way, turn left for the reservoir.
We turned left for Tai Lam Chung Reservoir.
在路上遇上農場的羊群, 大家跟隨著這群團友一起走去水塘.
Oooops!! We met a herd of goats (from the farm) while we were going to the reservoir. We joined them and went to the reservoir together!! :D
又有分义點 -- 續向黃泥墩水塘的方向走.
Again, 2 directions --- just keep on moving to the way for Wong Nai Tun Reservoir.
跟著羊群走, 很快便到達大欖涌水塘的水壩. 這裡可通往小欖.
We kept on following the steps of the goats and now we were @ the dam of Tai Lam Chung Reservoir. This way is also for Siu Lam.
黑羊老大在垃圾桶內幹什麼?????? 牠找到不少遊人丟棄的橙皮, 還吃得津津有味, 似乎牠不太喜歡這裡的草.
All the goats were on the grass near the reservoir, but this big black goat was interested in the trash bin. It picked out orange peels from the trash bin as breakfast, maybe it is not so interested in the grass near the reservoir.
我們踏上越野單車徑, 準備去小欖一行. 但走在路上天色突然轉暗如黃昏, 大家還被霧氣包圍!!! 看來一場腥風血雨正在蘊釀中, 隨時爆發!!! 由於往小欖需要一小時以上, 大家只好趁風雨未來即原路徹回水壩.
We were going to Siu Lam via the mountain bikers' path, but suddenly the sky became as dark as in the evening in just a few minutes!!! We also found that mist was forming around us....!!!! Heavy rain coming soon!!! We still need more than 1 hour's walk for Siu Lam, so we had to quit and went back to the reservoir.
回到水壩 --- 羊群仍在水塘邊吃早餐, 非常美麗的景象!!!
Now we were back to the dam. The goats were still eating near the reservoir. What a beautiful scene!!!
爬下水壩, 與羊群一起吃早餐
We climbed down the dam and enjoyed our meal here with the goats (NOT grass!!!)
There is a waterfall @ the opposite side.
雖然天色昏暗, 但仍然沒有下雨, 隊友提議到對岸的瀑布上源一探. 經車路稍為上山, 很快到了大欖涌 9號隧道, 這裡有排水道, 亦是瀑布的上源.
Although it was dark, the rain had not begun yet. We walked via the traffic road (MacLehose Trail stage 10) and went uphill to have a look for the upper part of the waterfall. It is located @ Tai Lam Chung no.9 Portal, which is part of the water supplies facilities.
Now we were @ the upper part of the waterfall!!
再次回到水壩, 下雨了, 雨勢非常大, 而且陣陣強風迎面而來, 大家即快快跑回小巴站離開.
Back to the dam again and the rain was very heavy --- With strong wind chasing us along the way!!!! We rushed back to the minibus stop, running like crazy under the heavy rain!!!