**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
北港坐獅穿蕉坑 岩口登山騎白馬 (北港獅子會→大岩口白馬咀)
A visit to the Cape of White Horse (Pak Ma Tsui, Sai Kung)
(鑽石山地鐵站→九巴 92 號→北港站→蕉坑獅子會自然教育中心門外右方小路→輋徑篤路→麻南芴方向→大岩口→石屎路盡頭右方山徑→白馬咀→原路回輋徑篤路)
(Diamond Hill MTR station→KMB bus no. 92→Pak Kong bus-stop→Footpath @ the right hand side near the entrance of Lions Nature Education Centre→Che Keng Tuk Road→The way for Ma Nam Wat→Tai Ngam Hau→End of concrete path and then turn right→Pak Ma Tsui [Cape of White Horse]→Back to Che Keng Tuk Road from the same way)
蕉坑獅子會自然教育中心門外, 右方小路進入輋徑篤路.
Now turn right for a footpath to Che Keng Tuk Road, which is outside the entrance of Lions Nature Education Centre.
順著 HK Marina 前行.
Follow HK Marina.
順著 HK Marina 前行直至看到 SKIP 幼稚園, 向 SKIP 走.
Follow HK Marina until you see SKIP [Sai Kung International Pre-school], go to SKIP.
在 SKIP 外.
Now outside SKIP, just go upstairs.
SKIP 外有石屎小路通往麻南芴
Just walk via the village road outside SKIP for Ma Nam Wat.
Now turn left for Tai Ngam Hau.
接入山路, 右轉直往白馬咀.
Now follow the muddy trail at the right-hand side for the sea cape.
下去白馬咀海角的一段非常斜滑, 手腳並用爬下山坡更安全.
The slope down to the seaside is very slippery and steep, but really challenging, we had great fun here crawling down with our hands.
With the help of a long rope, we reached the seaside quickly.
Cape of White Horse, Pak Ma Tsui, wonderful scenes!
原路返回蕉坑, 可惜此地沒香蕉, 很肚餓.....
Back to Tsiu Hang Village from the same route.