**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
上山下海有山有水 @ 蕉坑至三星灣
Fun with Mountains and beach from Tsiu Hang Nature Trail to Trio Beach (Sai Kung)
(鑽石山地鐵站→九巴 92 號→北港站→蕉坑獅子會自然教育中心→蕉坑自然教育徑→麻南芴方向→三星灣方向→三星灣→三星灣碼頭街渡往白沙灣→白沙灣→巴士往西貢)
(Diamond Hill MTR station→KMB bus no. 92→Pak Kong bus-stop→Lions Nature Education Centre [Tsiu Hang Special Area]→Tsiu Hang Nature Trail→The way for Ma Nam Wat→The way for Trio Beach→Trio Beach→Ferry for Pak Sha Wan [Hebe Haven] @ Trio Beach pier→Pak Sha Wan [Hebe Haven]→Bus for Sai Kung Pier)
Started from Lions Nature Education Centre.
之後是軟足之行, 先吃早餐.
Breakfast time @ this place, we are going to have quite a hard time afterwards.
上山去三星灣了, 山路不平.
Quite a bumpy path for Trio Beach, it takes you about 20-30 minutes for the seaside.
白沙灣 Hebe Haven
由獅子會到三星灣, 大約 45-60 分鐘.
It took us about 50 minutes from Lions Nature Education Centre to this beach.
The opposite side is Ma Nam Wat.
三星灣碼頭有街渡往白沙灣, 無需走山路回程, 大家在海邊大休.
Trio Beach is very beautiful!!!
There are ferries @ Trio Beach Pier for Hebe Haven (Pak Sha Wan) @ HK$10 per head, we didn't want to walk via the mountain trail again, so we stayed @ Trio Beach to have more fun and then took a ferry back to Hebe Haven.
在三星灣休息 + 野餐, 之後街渡往白沙灣, 一個人才 HK$10 又可游船河, 今天真充實.
We had a picnic @ Trio Beach and took a ferry back to Hebe Haven (Pak Sha Wan).
What a nice day!!!
三星灣 Trio Beach.....
A great ferry ride!!!
白沙灣 Hebe Haven (Pak Sha Wan).
@ Hebe Haven Pier.
巴士往西貢墟一遊, 公園內賞花.....
We took a bus from Pak Sha Wan bus-stop for Sai Kung Market, and stopped @ a park for the blossom....
回市區, 小朋友大叫肚餓, 我們給他點了一個素食义燒飯.
Little Captain was very hungry and we rushed back to the town.
Here we are @ a veg. restaurant and we ordered a vegan siu-mei combo -- BBQ "soy pork" rice for him.
今日在西貢, 山友湯馬士買了個素番茄湯給小隊長.
One of our hiking team members bought a box of vegetarian cup soup for Little Captain in Sai Kung.