**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
濃霧小遊鷓鴣山 雨中漫步夏威夷
Foggy Sunday in the woods of Razor Hill & hiking under the rain for Little Hawaii Waterfall
(鑽石山地鐵站 C 出口→九巴 91→銀影路 [清水灣道交界]→將軍澳徑→澳頭方向→最右邊小路往大埔仔配水庫→配水庫旁斜坡稍登鷓鴣山→原路回配水庫再往澳頭方向→下樓梯後向右走→澳頭方向→接入小夏威夷徑→小夏威夷瀑布→返回將軍溴村方向→將軍溴村→寶翠公園→寶林地鐵站)
(Exit C of Diamond Hill MTR station→KMB bus no. 91→Ngan Ying Road bus-stop [the junction of Clear Water Bay Road]→Tseung Kwan O Trail→Au Tau→The hiking trail @ the right for Tai Po Tsai Service Reservoir→Slope next to the service reservoir for Razor Hill→Back to the service reservoir and go to the way for Au Tau→Downstairs via a cemetery and then turn right→The way for Au Tau→Little Hawaii Trail→Little Hawaii Waterfall→Back to the way for Tseung Kwan O Village and go downstairs→Tseung Kwan O Village→Po Tsui Park→Po Lam MTR station)
Misty Clear Water Bay.
The trail @ the right.
Tai Po Tsai Service Reservoir.
Go to Razor Hill from the steep footpath.
Really steep....
今日濕度差不多100%, 林中很滑, 最後都是原路回配水庫
Now @ Razor Hill.
Very humid today (R.H. nearly 100%), we didn't go to the hilltop but returned to the service reservoir.
往澳頭方向, 再下樓梯後向右走
Back to the way for Au Tau and go downstairs.
This way for Little Hawaii Trail.