隊長亦有住在 Facebook 的素食獵人Veggie Hunters 聊天機械人, 大家亦可透過 Messenger 跟素食獵人Veggie Hunters 談談話..... :P
**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
Besides this chatbot, Captain is also living in Facebook Messenger, you can find him via Messenger app by adding "Veggie Hunters". It is another chatbot about vegetarianism. Feel free to share your comments with Veggie Hunters.
Short walk @ Ko Lau Wan (Sai Kung)
(鑽石山地鐵站→九巴 96R→黃石碼頭→翠華渡輪往高流灣→高流灣碼頭→蛋家灣→蛋家灣荒廢福音戒毒所→高流灣→翠華渡輪回黃石碼頭→黃石家樂徑→黃石巴士總站)
(Diamond Hill MTR station→KMB bus no. 96R→Wong Shek Pier→Tsui Wah Ferry for Ko Lau Wan→Ko Lau Wan Pier→Tan Ka Wan→Disused Tan Ka Wan Gospel Drug Rehabilitation Centre→Ko Lau Wan Village→Tsui Wah Ferry for Wong Shek Pier→Wong Shek Family Walk→Wong Shek bus terminus)
翠華渡輪時間表 Timetable for different outlying islands (with ENG on the timetable):
往 高流灣 / 塔門 交通 Ferry services for Ko Lau Wan / Grass Island (Tap Mun) --
1) 由西貢黃石碼頭出發 From Wong Shek Pier (Sai Kung)
2) 由馬料水碼頭出發 From Ma Liu Shui Pier (15 mins' walk from University MTR station)
今天太熱, 只去高流灣, 因為從未去過, 趁暑假人流高峰期未到, 快快去一探.
We were going to Ko Lau Wan today, a place we have NOT visited before.
It is a relatively small fishing village, comparing to Tap Mun (Grass Island).
As summer vacation is near (from June to early September), we have to visit these outlying islands before the peak season.
海風強勁, 非常舒暢!!!
Woww, gone with the wind!!!!
Going for Tan Ka Wan first.
(Tan Ka = fishermen, people living in boats, Tan Ka Wan = Fishermen's bay)
蛋家灣 Tan Ka Wan (Fishermen's Bay).

A disused Gospel Drug Rehabilitation Centre @ Tan Ka Wan.
Ruins of the gospel drug rehab centre, Tan Ka Wan.
蛋家灣早年有天主教會來傳教, 島上有學校及康樂中心, 全已荒廢.
A village school and recreation centre setup by the Catholic Church in the old days.
All closed.

有幸遇上西貢最有名的導遊犬 高流灣Bobby!!!
Bobby 是高流灣原居民, 他喜歡在附近的山徑遊玩, 經常給行山人士引路, 非常友善熱情!!
We met Ko Lau Wan Bobby near Tan Ka Wan!!!!
Bobby is the most famous tour-guide dog of Sai Kung.
He is the local resident of Ko Lau Wan, and he always hikes with his doggie friend, at the hiking trails near his home.
He is very friendly and lovely, and he also helps hikers who are not familiarize with this place, by showing them the right track!!! Good boy!!!
導遊犬 高流灣Bobby 的好友思思.
他跟Bobby 經常一起行山, 非常可愛.
We also met Ko Lau Wan Bobby's buddy, Si Si.
He (or she) always goes hiking with Bobby, also very friendly.
從蛋家灣走回高流灣, 開始下雨, 而且雨勢越來越猛.....
When we were back to Ko Lau Wan from Tan Ka Wan, it started raining and the rain became heavier and heavier....

Tin Hau Temple of Ko Lau Wan Tsui, no way to go further....
Ko Lau Wan sitting area.
So cloudy....

Turning dark?? It was just noon!!!!
Back to Wong Shek Pier and the rain finally stopped.
We had a walk before going back to the urban area.

對岸的風景很美, 應該是土瓜坪的濕地.
Beautiful scenes after the heavy rain.....
It should be the pier and wetland of To Kwa Peng.