隊長亦有住在 Facebook 的素食獵人Veggie Hunters 聊天機械人, 大家亦可透過 Messenger 跟素食獵人Veggie Hunters 談談話..... :P
**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
Besides this chatbot, Captain is also living in Facebook Messenger, you can find him via Messenger app by adding "Veggie Hunters". It is another chatbot about vegetarianism. Feel free to share your comments with Veggie Hunters.
Handsome Captain @ Bride's Pool Road in his new suit
(大埔墟火車站→九巴 275R→新娘潭總站→橫涌石澗→新娘潭→照鏡潭→新娘潭路→涌尾→涌背→大美督)
(Tai Po Market Railway Station→KMB bus no. 275R→Bride's Pool bus terminus→Wang Chung Stream→Bride's Pool BBQ site→Chiu Keng Tam waterfall→Bride's Pool Road→Chung Mei→Chung Pui→Tai Mei Tuk)
隊長穿上新西裝, 特別醒目英俊.
第一站 ~ 橫涌石澗, 早上大雨, 澗道非常滑, 今天只拍照.
Captain has put on his new suit with a red bow tie and he looks very handsome today!!!
Now @ Wang Chung Stream. The rain was heavy early this morning and the whole place became so slipper, we didn't go down for the stream.

冬蔭公米餅, 隊長非常喜歡, 郊遊不能缺少零食.
Captain loves Tom Yum rice crackers!!!

下去照鏡潭瀑布, 有點滑.
Going down for the waterfall, the trail is wet and narrow.
Chiu Keng Tam Waterfall.

Then we walked along Bride's Pool Road, now @ Chung Mei.
We found a large piece of lawn @ Chung Pui, it is part of the Plover Cove Reservoir.

新娘潭路走到大美督, 大約 1 小時.
We walked along Bride's Pool Road for 1 hour, now @ Tai Mei Tuk.
大美督士多有大家最喜歡的 Arizona 飲品, 消暑最佳.
Our favourite Arizona beverages are available from a food store @ Tai Mei Tuk, GREAT!!