隊長亦有住在 Facebook 的素食獵人Veggie Hunters 聊天機械人, 大家亦可透過 Messenger 跟素食獵人Veggie Hunters 談談話..... :P
**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
Besides this chatbot, Captain is also living in Facebook Messenger, you can find him via Messenger app by adding "Veggie Hunters". It is another chatbot about vegetarianism. Feel free to share your comments with Veggie Hunters.
城門水塘深度遊 (大城石澗、草城石澗、城門標本林)
Deep inside Shing Mum Reservoir (Tai Shing Stream, Tso Shing Stream, Shing Mun Arboretum)
(荃灣地鐵站→兆和街 82號小巴→城門水塘→畔塘徑 [小食亭旁]→大城石澗→主壩方向→草城石澗→回大埔方向→城門林道鉛礦凹段→續走古道深入草城石澗→回城門林道→城門標本林→針山 / 草山方向→接回衛奕信徑往針山方向→針草坳→沙田郊野徑→道風山→沙田火車站)
(Tsuen Wan MTR station→Minibus no. 82 @ Shiu Wo Street→Shing Mun Reservoir→Reservoir Walk [Starts from the kiosk & public toilet]→Tai Shing Stream→The way for the main dam→Tso Shing Stream→Back to the route for Tai Po / Lead Mine Pass→Shing Mun Forest Track - Lead Mine Pass Section→Continue for Tso Shing Stream via old village path→Back to Shing Mun Forest Track→Shing Mun Arboretum→The way for Needle Hill / Grassy Hill→Wilson Trail [The way for Needle Hill]→Mountain pass between Needle Hill & Grassy Hill→Shatin Trail→Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre [To Fung Shan Road]→Shatin Railway Station)
Tso Shing Stream, originates from Grassy Hill (Tso Shan), stream water flowing down to Shing Mun Reservoir, this is why it gets the name "Tso Shing Stream".
The name is not stated in government maps, but you can find it from the map below uploaded by a HK hiking team:
http://images3.fotop.net/albums3/Albert/Albert1596/20180125_G.jpg (草城石澗 Tso Shing Stream)
白千層林. Paper-bark forest.

大城石澗 Tai Shing Stream.

Go for the way to main dam first.
在此小休, 會有驚喜.
Our snacks time begins from here.
Surprises are awaiting!!!!
Now we were @ Tso Shing Stream!!!

Now we were going to the way for Tai Po.
Now we were going down to the old village path, which is also leading to Tso Shing Stream.
有些屋舍遺跡, 亦有用石砌成的古道, 相信昔日有村落在此.
城門水塘未興建之前, 有很多村落在附近, 有水源便會有村.
We have found some bricks and broken huts, with old rocky footpaths. There should be a village here in the old past.
Usually you can find a village where is a stream / a river is present.
The village path becomes narrower and slippery.
草城石澗 Here we are @ another side of Tso Shing Stream.

標本林其實面積不少, 要花點時間才能走完, 但值得一看.
The arboretum is much larger than we think, but worth to visit, really a good place.
Continue the walk towards Needle Hill.
Mountain pass between Needle Hill and Grassy Hill.
Now going downstairs for Shatin.
針山在後. Needle Hill @ our back.
Captain enjoyed swinging!!!
沙田全景 Panorama of Shatin.

Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre, a beautiful church in Chinese style.