**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
陽光與海灘系列 -- 清水灣銀線灣及亞公灣
Beach and Sunshine series -- Ah Kung Wan & Silverstrand Beach (Clear Water Bay)
(鑽石山地鐵站→巴士總站九巴 91M→水邊村站→銀線灣道→銀巒路→銀臺路→碧濤花園→樓梯下海邊→亞公灣→原路回銀線灣道→轉入海灘停車場→銀線灣泳灘→小食亭旁上銀岬路→銀線灣廣場→對面巴士站回鑽石山)
(Diamond Hill MTR station [exit C]→KMB bus no. 91M @ the bus terminus→Shui Bin Tsuen bus-stop→Silverstrand Beach Road→Silver Crest Road→Silver Terrace Road→Bella Vista→Downstairs for the seaside [next to Bella Vista]→Ah Kung Wan→Back to Silverstrand Beach Road→Go down to the car-park→Silverstrand Beach→Go up to Silver Cape Road [from the food kiosk]→Silverstrand Mart→Bus-stop @ the opposite side)
碧濤花園旁, 有樓梯下海邊
Go downstairs to the seaside from Bella Vista.
亞公灣 Ah Kung Wan.
正宗石頭燒, 鹽燒隊長
Authentic stone-grilled Captain, salt is available from the sea water.
回銀線灣道, 轉入海灘停車場
Back to Silverstrand Beach Road, and then go to the car park.
銀線灣泳灘 Silverstrand Beach.
銀線灣廣場 Silverstrand Mart.