**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
三杯醉擁十四鄉 烏溪輕躍馬鞍上
Beach & Sunshine Series -- Three Fathoms Cove, Sam Pui Chau, Wu Kai Sha & Ma On Shan
(港鐵大學站 B 出口→小巴 807K→井頭村總站→告示版旁村路下海灘→企嶺下海→三杯酒→農場旁小路→三杯酒碼頭→原路回井頭村小巴總站→小巴往烏溪沙地鐵站 A 出口→耀沙路出口 [地面]→地面向向左邊單車路→烏溪沙路→渡頭灣村方向→長徑村→烏溪沙海旁→海旁路→馬鞍山海旁→烏溪沙青年營→馬鞍山公園→馬鞍山地鐵 站)
(Exit B of University railway station→Minibus no. 807K→Tseng Tau Tsuen Village minibus terminus→Go down to the seaside via the village road next to the village notice board→Three Fathoms Cove→Sam Pui Chau [meaning: 3 glasses of wine, a little island]→Footpath near the farm [along the seaside]→Sam Pui Chau Pier→Back to Tseng Tau minibus terminus→Minibus 807K again for Wu Kai Sha MTR station→Exit A for Yiu Sha Road [Go down for the cycling track]→Turn left for the cycling track→Wu Kai Sha Road→The way for To Tau Wan Villag→Cheung Keng Village→Seaside of Wu Kai Sha→Walk along the footpath @ the seaside→Seaside of Ma On Shan→Chinese YMCA Wu Kai Sha Youth Camp→Ma On Shan Park→Ma On Shan MTR station)
三杯酒碼頭後面有山路可達輋下, 但沿途沒有任可指示牌, 要注意
There is a hiking trail at the back of Sam Pui Chau pier (go upstairs) for Che Ha Village, but there are NO direction signages along the road.
http://www.fotop.net/medalene/19aug173FathomsCove? page=1
http://www.fotop.net/medalene/19aug173FathomsCove? page=2
http://www.fotop.net/medalene/19aug173FathomsCove? page=3
http://www.fotop.net/medalene/19aug173FathomsCove? page=4
企嶺下海, 後面是烏洲
@ Three Fathoms Cove, the island at the back is "Wu Chau", a tombolo.
A farm on the road. Walk along the footpath.....
三杯酒, 一個小島.
The little island at the back is "Sam Pui Chau", meaning - 3 glasses of wine.
Sam Pui Chau Pier.
三杯酒碼頭後面有山路可達輋下, 但沿途沒有任可指示牌
There is a hiking trail at the back of the pier for Che Ha Village, but there are NO direction signages along the trail....
下去地面, 沿單車路旁小路向左走
@ the ground. Turn left for the footpath next to the cycling track.
Enter Cheung Keng Village.
@ Ma On Shan.
Going to Ma On Shan Park.