**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
Round-the-island walk @ Peng Chau
(中環 6 號碼頭→坪洲碼頭→坪麗苑→坪利路→仙姐廟→大利島→坪愉徑→東灣海灘→龍母廟→志仁路→志仁學校→皮革廠遺址→手指山→配水庫方向下山→抽水站海邊→大窩抽水站旁村路→斜坡往碼頭方向→圓通講寺旁公廁下山→南灣村→南灣公廁→南灣海邊石屋附近村路 [巨型機器後面]→勝利灰窰廠遺址→南灣海旁→永興街→坪洲永安街→天后廟→金花廟→往愉景灣街渡碼頭→稔樹灣→晚飯時間→巴士回欣澳站)
(Central Ferry Pier [pier no.6]→Peng Chau Ferry Pier→Peng Lai Court→Peng Lei Road→Fairy Temple→Tai Lei Island→Peng Yu Path→Tung Wan Beach→Mother Dragon's Temple→Chi Yan Road→Chi Yan Public School→Leather Factory→Finger Hill→Go downhill for the Service Reservoir→Seaside near the pumping station→Village path next to the pumping station [Tai Wo]→Go up a slope @ the left-hand side for the pier→Public toilet near a temple→Go down for the seaside→Nam Wan Village [seaside of Nam Wan]→Nam Wan Public toilet→Stone houses @ the end of Nam Wan seaside promenade→Enter the village road nearby [At the back of some big machines for construction]→Disused Shing Lee Factory for construction materials→Nam Wan seaside promenade→Wing Hing Street→Peng Chau Wing On Street→Tin Hau Temple→Kam Fa Temple→Ferry pier for Discovery Bay→Nim Shue Wan / Discovery Bay→Dinner time→Bus for Sunny Bay MTR station)
Peng Lai Court.
仙姐廟 Fairy Temple.
大利島 For Tai Lei Island.
Disneyland Resort Hotel.
向左走 Turn left.
東灣海灘 Tung Wan Beach.
龍母廟 Mother Dragon's Temple.
皮革廠遺址 The leather factory.
皮革廠遺址 The leather factory.
The rock looks like a finger from this side.
The seaside near the pumping station.
由大窩抽水站旁村路入村, 左邊斜坡走, 往碼頭方向
Go into the village via the footpath next to the pumping station.
Then turn left and walk via a slope, which is the direction for the ferry pier.
When you see this temple, walk down to the seaside from the public toilet nearby.
南灣 Nam Wan.
南灣海邊石屋附近村路 [巨型機器後面], 可往勝利灰窰廠遺址
Old stone houses @ the end of the seaside promenade.
There are some huge machines (for construction?!) nearby, just walk via the footpath at the back of those machines and you can see the disused Shing Lee Factory.
Disused Shing Lee Factory (for construction materials).
The most well-known local bakery @ Wing Hing Street.
Lots of old HK-style cafes.
天后廟 Tin Hau Temple.
Kam Fa Temple.
Qing Dynasty Monument.
Ferry for Discovery Bay -- 10 minutes only (Near Peng Chau Ferry Pier).
Goodbye Peng Chau!!! See you again later!
坪洲 Peng Chau.
愉景灣 Discovery Bay.
Arrived. Now @ Nim Shue Wan (Discovery Bay).
Dinner time @ Discovery Bay.