**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
陽光與海灘系列 -- 碧沙清水伴艷陽 (碧沙灣, 清水灣第一灘, 清水灣第二灘)
Triple fun @ Bayside Beach, Clear Water Bay 1st Beach and 2nd Beach
(鑽石山站 C 出口→九巴 91 號→碧沙路巴士站→碧沙路→海逸居旁下樓梯→碧沙灣海灘→回清水灣道巴士站→九巴 91 號 / 小巴→清水灣泳灘總站→清水灣泳灘山徑→清水灣第一灘→回清水灣第二灘)
(Exit C of Diamond Hill MTR station→KMB no. 91→Pik Sha Road bus-stop→Pik Sha Road→Go downstairs next to The Palisades [apartment]→Bayside Beach→Back to Clear Water Bay Road→KMB bus no. 91 / Minibus→Clear Water Bay bus terminus [Clear Water Bay 2nd Beach]→Mountain trail @ Clear Water Bay beach→Clear Water Bay 1st Beach→Back to Clear Water Bay 2nd Beach)
Go downstairs for Bayside Beach next to "The Palisades".
碧沙灣海灘 Bayside Beach.
清水灣泳灘總站 (清水灣第二灘)
Clear Water Bay bus terminus (Clear Water Bay 2nd Beach).
清水灣第二灘, 經山徑往清水灣第一灘
A hiking trail @ Clear Water Bay 2nd Beach, you can go to Clear Water Bay 1st Beach from here.
Clear Water Bay 1st Beach.
Back to Clear Water Bay 2nd Beach again.