Heatwave fighting @ Tai O in early autumn
(東涌巴士總站 11 號巴士→大澳總站→石仔埗→新基橋→象山 [北山]→山上看嶼北界石→象山山下無名村落→方便所→楊候古廟→寶珠潭→狗伸地→回巴士總站)
(NLB bus no. 11 @ Tung Chung Bus Terminus→Tai O Bus Terminus→Shek Tsai Po Street→Sun Kei Bridge→Elephant Hill [Pak Shan, North Hill]→North Lantau Obelisk @ Elephant Hill→Unknown village under Elephant Hill→Tai O Morgue near Tai O Public Cementery→Yeung Hau Temple→Po Chu Tam [Green 'Gem' on the water]→Kau Shan Tei Pavilion→Back to Tai O Bus Terminus)
雖然已是初秋, 但仍熱得要命. 來到久違了的大澳, 已經是上午十一時, 先過橋往石仔埗那邊買馳名大澳的糯米糍.
Although autumn has come, it is still very hot!!! We arrived Tai O Market around 11:00am and we were going to Shek Tsai Po Street to buy the most famous rice cakes first!!!
猫星人的地盤..... 喵!!!
Meoooow!! We had entered alien Cats' base!!!
來到石仔埗, 在身後的甜點檔買美味的糯米糍.
Now we were @ Shek Tsai Po. First we bought some rice cakes (mochi) with peanuts or red beans inside, from a little kiosk (with a chimney) at the back of Tachibana san.
向新基橋方向走, 先一看東京碼頭 (門外有小矮人的東京士多後面).
We walked to the way for Sun Kei Bridge, and stopped @ "Tokyo Pier" (At the back of a store with statues of Snow White and 7 dwarfs.)
Now @ Sun Kei Bridge.
到了象山 (北山) 腳下.
Now @ the "foot" of Elephant Hill (North Hill... in Cantonese it is also called "Pak Shan").
對岸是寶珠潭, 像一顆綠色寶石浮在水面, 寶石下面是楊候古廟.
The opposite side is "Po Chu Tam", it looks like a green gemstone floating on the water, with "Yeung Hau" Temple covered by the trees.
Going up to have a look @ the North Lantau Obelisk (Details here) on Elephant Hill.
North Lantau Obelisk on Elephant Hill (Pak Shan, North Hill) -- with lots of graves here!!
Lots of beautiful scenes @ Elephant Hill!!!
A Fiddler crab was waving to us.
向龍巖寺方向走, 途中進入象山下的隱世村落.
We walked to the way for Lung Yim Temple, there is a footpath on the middle of the road, leading to a village with no name......
象山下的方便所 (昔日的停屍間)
Now we were in front of these a stone village house, which used to be an old morgue (left one for females and the right one for males) decades ago.
Had a nap inside this little village -- With a beautiful butterfly staying with us!!!
Dragons carved on the pillars.
寶珠潭旁的可愛黑白貓..... 牠很喜歡捉蟹!!!
A lovely fat cat near Po Chu Tam, and it loves catching crabs @ the seaside!!!
Yeung Hau Temple on the green gem -- Po Chu Tam.
Looking at Elephant Hill from the green gem.
A little shrine on the green gem.
A pavilion @ Kau Shun Tei (meaning = a lying dog)
We went to the other side of Kau Shun Tei to have a look -- Beautiful coastline.
離開前, 在大澳的流浪貓cafe 喝了美味的西瓜沙冰, 還遇上另一位瘦削的貓星人.
Had a glass of water melon smoothie @ Tai O Stray cats cafe before leaving. We met another alien cat in the shop.