Short Walk @ Pak Sha Wan and Mang Kung Uk Temple (Sai Kung)
(Minibus from Choi Hung MTR station for Sai Kung→Pak Sha Wan→Habitat→Mang Kung Uk Village→Fat Kwong Temple [Buddha Light Temple] )
今天又是悶熱的一天, 大家選了一個未探索過的地方 -- 白沙灣!!! 下車後, 先在白沙灣的泰國菜館外, 讓花老B 跟泰國的士來個合照!!!
Very hot this morning and this time we stopped @ a place we have NEVER visited before -- Pak Sha Wan (in Sai Kung)!! First we let our lovely Tachibana san had a photo with a Thai taxi outside a Thai restaurant!! Cheers!!!
白沙灣是供游艇出海的地方, 沒有地方可以游泳...... 不過一片藍天白雲, 景色不錯.
Pak Sha Wan is not a place for swimmers, but you can enjoy sailing here!!
There are shipyards and sailing club @ this place.
沿西貢方向走, 我們走到童軍總會的水上活動中心.
We had a look @ the Sea Activity Centre run by Scout Association of HK.
Have a close-up of Pak Sha Wan.
最後走到白沙臺附近的孟公窩村, 一訪村內的佛光寺!!!
We walked along Hiram's Highway and finally we stopped @ Habitat. From there we walked to Mang Kung Wo Village and had a look @ Fat Kwong Temple, a Buddhist monastery of this village.
在佛光寺內稍作休息, 這裡環境寧靜, 非常舒暢.
We spent some time inside this little temple and really enjoyed a nice afternoon here!!