Heatwave Battle @ the hill-top of Lung Kwu Tan
(西鐵屯門站 C2 出口→港鐵巴士 K52→龍鼓灘→龍鼓灘村中華白海豚觀景台→山頂觀景亭→亭後山路→山頂熱浪大戰)
(Exit C2 of Tuen Mun Station [West Rail] →MTR bus no. K52→Lung Kwu Tan bus terminus→Lung Kwu Tan Village→Lung Kwu Tan Chinese White Dolphin Lookout→Hilltop pavilion→Mountain trail at the back of the pavilion→Battle with heatwave @ the hilltop)
今天天色不錯但非常炎熱!!! 不過我們仍按原定計畫往龍鼓灘一遊. 先在西鐵屯門站 C2 出口往 K52 巴士站, 到了龍鼓灘總站後便走到龍鼓灘路.
Fine but very hot today!!! But we still went for a walk. This time we are going to Lung Kwu Tan beach. Started from exit C2 of Tuen Mun Station (West Rail), we took an MTR bus no. K52 and finally got off @ Lung Kwu Tan bus-terminus. Lung Kwu Tan Road is just next to it.
Lung Kwu Tan Village Committee office and Tin Hau Temple @ Lung Kwu Tan Road.
龍鼓灘旁小路, 可通往中華白海豚瞭望台.
A beach-side footpath for the Chinese White Dolphin Lookout.
龍鼓灘海灘, 本來環境不錯, 但旁邊的青山發電廠, 令空氣十分混濁!!! 海灘旁的小山頂部, 便是中華白海豚瞭望台.
Lung Kwu Tan beach used to be a nice place, but because of the nearby Castle Peak Power Station, the air is very polluted now. The Chinese White Dolphin Lookout is @ the top of this little hill.
Now going up to the Chinese White Dolphin Lookout.
山頂上有涼亭, 天氣實在太熱, 趁機休息及午餐.
Now we had reached the hilltop pavilion, just the right time for a rest and some drinks under strong heatwave.... 34-35C now!!!
Castle Peak Power Station.
中華白海豚瞭望台後面是山路, 亦是墳場. 大片綠油油, 即使烈日當空, 大家也忍不住在山上暴走!!!!
A large piece of GREEN at the back of the Chinese White Dolphin Lookout. It is also a cemetery for the local residents. Although we were under very strong sunlight and heatwave, we still could not stop ourselves from running around the hilltop!!!!!
這一段全是沙石, 有點難度, 沙石很熱, 爬上去要小心....
This part is quite gravelly..... the sand and stones were very hot!!!
山上有風, 其實比地面更清涼舒適!!! 山上有不少彩色小屋, 但其實全是墳墓!!! 山景不錯, 我們都玩得忘了時間, 不想下山.... :P
It was windy at the hillside and staying @ the hilltop is more comfortable than the beachside!!! There are a number of colorful "huts" along the hillside but actually these are GRAVES!!! The mountain scene is so attractive --- we were all running around and enjoyed a great day there!!!
We enjoyed staying with flowers and grass :D
下山了, 又再次回到龍鼓灘海旁.
We went downhill and back to the beach again.
Time to go back for the MTR station.