Experienced a Chilled summer Saturday -- Visit to the old haunted temple @ Mui Shue Hang Park, Tai Wo, Taipo
(太和火車站 A 出口→太和廣場→寶雅苑→寶雅路→單車徑入口→梅樹坑路→梅樹坑遊樂場→梅樹坑村→原路回程)
(Exit A of Tai Wo Railway Station→Tai Wo Plaza→Po Nga Court→Po Nga Road→Entrance of the cycling trail [for Sheung Shui and Fanling] →Mui Shue Hang Road→Mui Shue Hang Playground→Mui Shue Hang Village→Back from the same way)
夏日炎炎, 又是新界市郊半日遊. 從太和火車站 A出口起步, 經太和廣場內的扶手電梯下去地面, 外面是寶雅路 (寶雅苑旁). 沿寶雅路前行 (往大埔公路方向), 過了馬路便是單車徑的入口. 進入單車徑旁的行人路, 很快便會接入梅樹坑路.
Again it was another hot and windless Saturday and no hiking in the countryside this afternoon. Started from Exit A of Tai Wo Railway station, we went downstairs to the ground floor by the escalator inside Tai Wo Plaza. Walking along Po Nga Road (near Po Nga Court) to the way for Tai Po Road, then we crossed the road and entered the cycling trail, which leads to Mui Shue Hang Road.
Now we were @ Mui Shue Hang Playground.
終於到了常寂園 -- 一座位於梅樹坑公園內的古寺. 此古廟昔日有很多鬧鬼傳聞, 後來經過修葺, 一度很新淨, 但近年又再關閉, 現在又開始變得陰陰森森了.
Finally we arrived "Sheung Chik Yuen", an old temple inside Mui Shue Hang Playground. There were lots of rumours about this place, many people claim that this temple is haunted (Not sure (:-P).
Renovation work was done to this temple years ago, but it has become unattended again....
常寂園內的觀音像, 地藏菩薩及阿彌陀佛.
Inside the temple -- Statues of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and Buddha Amitabha.
There are many old Chinese banyan trees in the park.
梅樹坑村 -- 一條在天橋下的隱世小村落.
Now we were "marching" to Mui Shue Hang Village, a small village under the flyovers.
Farmlands and orchards of Mui Shue Hang Village --- enough to feed themselves!!
很快便完成梅樹坑之行, 雖然地方小小, 但非常寧靜, 炎炎夏日來此一行, 的確不錯.
Now we had finished our walk for Mui Shue Hang. Although this place is quite small, we still enjoyed a great time here!!!!