Short walk @ Pok Fu Lam, south part of HK Island(旺角970X / 970 巴士→薄扶林村下車→參觀古蹟靈塔→古蹟伯特尼校舍→薄扶林道步向港大宿舍→跟"四不像" 玩耍)
(Bus no. 970X / 970 from Mong Kok, Prince Edward side→Get off @ Pok Fu Lam Village→Sightseeing @ Ancient tower inside Pok Fu Lam village→Sightseeing @ Bethanie Campus→HKU Student Hall along Pok Fu Lam Road→Play with the 4 strange stone monsters)
古村薄扶林村, 古蹟伯特尼, 港大四不像
Scenic spots:
Pok Fu Lam Old village, Declared monument: Bethanie School, Four strange stone monsters @ student hostel of HKU
港大薄扶林道的香港大學宿舍門外, 有四頭石製動物, 兩只獅子及兩只大象. 因形態怪異, 故被稱"四不像".
傳說中, 學生摸了該四只 "四不像", 便會不能畢業, 又或是遇上意外死亡.
信不信由你.... 反正我多年前摸過牠們四隻, 亦能畢業.... :P ~ 因為我不是港大學生....
About the Four Strange Stone Monsters outside the Student Hostel of HKU @ Pok Fu Lam Road:
An OLD urban legend!! Strange rumours for so many years!!! There are 2 stone lions and 2 stone elephants with strange bodies outside the student hall of the University of HK (HKU), @ Pok Fu Lam Road.
The legend is, if any undergraduates who dare to touch any of these 4 stone monsters, he or she won't be able to graduate!
They would either fail in the exam, or die in accidents.
Believe it or not?
I had touched these 4 stone monsters many years ago when I was a student, but I can still get my degree.
(Hahaha, actually I'm NOT a HKU graduate, is this the reason I can get my degree???)
Traffic details:
新巴970 號(由蘇屋邨開出)
於太子聯合廣場外出發, 薄扶林村站下車.
New World Bus no.970 (From So Uk Estate)
Pick-up @ Prince Edward, near Allied Plaza
Get off @ Pok Fu Lam Village, Pok Fu Lam Road stop
今早在太子乘970X (快線), 在薄扶林村站下車. 車站旁便是薄扶林村, 不過今天要去看著名的伯公廟及古老靈塔, 所以沒有在村內停留.
大家沿薄扶林道的車路向前走, 中途有很多地產代理, 然後在一間印尼人開設的小食店旁, 向左轉, 便可找到隱閉的古老靈塔.
原來薄扶林村在1820年之前已經存在, 靈塔亦一樣, 全都是"古董"!!!
We met @ Allied Plaza, Prince Edward this morning. Then we got bus no.970X (Express Line) and got off @ Pok Fu Lam Village stop.
The famous old village, Pok Fu Lam Village, is just next to the bus-stop. From there,
we walked along Pok Fu Lam Road and we could see a number of property agencies there.
Then when we saw a little Indonesian food stall, we turned left and then finally we could find the famous "Lee Ling Fairy Tower"!!
The village and the Fairy Tower were right here before 1820!!!!
仙姐塔在此!!! 塔旁有靈獸"豼貅"兩隻. 此為其中一隻, 另一隻在村內, 替村民守護正在晾曬的衣物 :D
The Fairy Tower is right here!!! So beautiful!! There are also two stone monsters, Pi Yao,
which is Chinese mythical creature, related to Feng Shui (
and from the legend, Pi Yao doesn't have any "anus"!!! So people put a pair of Pi Yao to absorb the "Qi" and then Pi Yao can keep the Qi inside their bodies forever, thus bringing their owners good luck and wealth!!!
This Pi Yao is next to the Fairy Tower, and the other one is inside the village, sleeping under the villagers' clothes, guiding their clothings :D
下一站是.... 伯大尼古蹟校園!!!
The next stop is.... Bethanie Heritage Campus!!
這些是牛奶公司昔日的牛柵!!! 現在是惠康的展覽館.
These are OLD cowsheds from Dairy Farm!! Now are "Wellcome Supermarket" exhibition centres.
The Bethanie Heritage Campus
沿薄扶林道向薄扶林水塘方向走, 很快便到港大宿舍的入口. 港大宿舍外有兩隻石獸, 牠們便是傳聞中四頭"四不像" 其中的兩隻.
Walk along Pok Fu Lam Road (the way for Pokfulam Reservoir), and then you'll find the sign for the student hall of HKU here.
Enter and you'll see this beautiful white building (the student hall)!!!
There are two stone monsters guiding the student hall, they are part of the four stone monsters of the urban legend!!!
先跟大象形的 "四不像" 玩耍!! 其中一只, 頭上有一隻大螳螂, 大螳螂的頭一直跟著我們轉, 不知牠有沒有頭暈???
不過, 新朋友Mike 後來把大螳螂拿回家當寵物!!!!!
First we played with the stone monsters with elephant appearance. There was a giant mantis sitting on the head of one of these monsters!!
It moved its head left and right as we were moving, had it become dizzy?????
Our new-comer, Mike took the big mantis home as pet!!!!!!
穿過小徑, 到宿舍的背面, 那裡是獅子形 "四不像" 的所在地.
We walked along a footpath and reached the back of the student hall. The lion-shaped monsters are living there.
探訪獅子形 "四不像"夫婦, 牠們有一頭小獅子!! 離開前, 花老B 吻了獅子爸爸及獅子媽媽, 以作留念.
We had a visit to the lion-shaped monster couple!!!! They have a little lion!!
Before we left, Tachibana san gave both Lion Dad and Lion Mom "Goodbye kisses" as gifts!!!
傳說中的獅子形及象形 "四不像", 其實也蠻可愛.
These are the stone monsters from the urban legend, actually they look so lovely.
最後一看傳聞中的吊頸樹.... 真有人在此吊頸嗎????
The last stop here.... the "Hangman's tree"!! Some rumours are... people hanged themselves here... really???