Fat Mun Ancient Path, Ngong Ping(昂平360→蓮坪路蓮池寺→竹林禪院→鳳凰觀日牌坊→心經簡林→東山法門 [法門古道]→竇林禪寺十方道場→地塘仔禪林→石門甲→羅漢寺素食午飯→34號巴士回東涌)
(Ngong Ping 360→Lin Ping Road to Lin Chee Monastery [Plum Village]→Chuk Lam Monastery→Lantau Peak Archdoor→Wisdom Path→Tung Shan Fat Mun Archway [Fat Mun Ancient Path]→Po Lam Zen Monastery→Tei Tong Chai Zen Forest→Shek Mun Kap→Lunch @ Lo Han Monastery→Back to Tung Chung by bus no.34)
從23號巴士上下車, 直衝昂平市集..... 一街都是肥皂泡!!! 看花老B 頭上的, 還閃著彩虹!!!!! 原來有肥皂泡表演, 所以到處都噴著泡.
Just rushed to Ngong Ping Market when we got off from bus no.23..... Woow, Bubbles everywhere over our heads!!
See so many rainbow bubbles over Tachibana san!! Why bubbles everywhere? Oh!! There's a "Bubbloo Fun" show here!!
經蓮坪路到蓮池寺, 環境優美, 份外脫俗!!! 今日, 蓮池寺是"梅村香港基金會" 的禪修中心, 又名「亞洲應用佛學院」(Asian Institute of Applied Buddhism).
詳情: 梅村香港基金會
We walked along Lin Ping Drive and reached Lin Chee Monastery (Lotus Pond Monastery)!
Wooow, what a beautiful place it is!! It's inside a forest and is surrounded by a big lotus pond!
Lotus Pond Monastery now is part of the Plum Village project, and it's also renamed as "Asian Institute of Applied Buddhism".
For more details, see this website: Asian Institute of Applied Buddhism
蓮池寺旁邊的竹林淨院, 亦是"梅村香港基金會" 的禪修中心之一, 不過竹林淨院是給男眾, 而蓮池寺是給女眾用的.
竹林淨院內環境很清幽, 陣陣山風吹來, 雖然今天有27度, 但這裡非常清涼舒適, 是修行的好地方.
Chuk Lam Ching Yuen Monastery, which is a small Zen Centre, next to Lotus Pond Monastery, is also part of the Asian Institute of Applied Buddhism.
Lotus Pond Monastery is for female but Chuk Lam Ching Yuen is for male.
The mountain breeze made us feel very comfortable although the temperature in HK today was as high as 27C!!!!!
古老的昂平舊村, 住的多是僧尼.
The ancient old Ngong Ping Village, the residents are mostly monks and nuns.
昂平舊村內, 已荒廢了的古寺"聯善堂", 內有很多佛像, 日久失修, 快給樹木吞噬了, 有點陰森恐怖, 晚間不宜.
There's an old and abandoned monastery in Old Ngong Ping Village~ Luen Sin Tong, with lots of Buddha and Guan-yin statues inside.
As NO maintenance work has been done for this monastery for lots of years, it's nearly "swallowed" by the trees, now it looks quite creepy, not a good place to stay @ night time.
來到鳳凰觀日牌坊~ 上鳳凰山頂的地方!!! 旁有鳳凰作記認. 我們會在11月從東涌伯公坳走過來, 看鳳凰山的山形又窄又斜, 將會是一條有點難走的山徑.
Now we were @ Sunrise @ Phoenix Archway (For the top of Lantau Peak)!! See the Phoenix nearby!!!!
We'll have a walk in November for this trail from Pak Kung Au in Tung Chung.
Have a look @ the shape of Lantau Peak!!! It looks very steep and high!! It will be quite a challenging trail for us!!
心經簡林, 旁邊的"石壁郊遊徑" 已重開.
The Wisdom Path.
The hiking path nearby, "Shek Pik Country Trail", which was closed for a few years after the 2008 thunderstorm, now is re-opened.
經樹木研習徑步至"東山法門", 即法門古道的入口. 在地塘仔寺院的僧尼, 都是從這裡進出昂平.
地塘仔內的寶林禪寺十方道場, 亦是寶蓮寺的一部份, 所以常有僧人在兩地出入. 這裡亦是通往東涌的主要通道, 內有小亭給行山人士小休.
今天在樹林中遇上這可愛小狗, 不知牠是否寶林禪寺十方道場的 "阿心" 呢?
Walk through the "Tree Path" and now we had reached "Tung Shan Fat Mun" archdoor, which is also the entrance of "Fat Mun Ancient Path".
It's a footpath for the Buddhist monks and nuns to go from Tei Tong Chai for Po Lin Monastery.
There's a monastery along "Fat Mun Ancient Path", which is called "Po Lam Zen Monastery", is part of Po Lin Monastery,
so this is why we can always see the monks and nuns for these two places walking on this path.
It's also a main path for going down to Tung Chung from Ngong Ping.
We met a lovely smiling dog along the path, not sure whether it is called "Ah Sum" or not, a famous dog from Po Lam Zen Monastery
寶林禪寺十方道場外的菜園, 僧人都是自己種植蔬菜的.
The farmland outside "Po Lam Zen Monastery", the monks and nuns grow their own vegetables.
今天進入"寶林禪寺十方道場" 內參觀, 還在這裡看了一會書.
We entered "Po Lam Zen Monastery" for a visit this afternoon, and read some books here!!
地塘仔內的寺院~ 這裡山路很斜, 不小心給地上的沙一滑, 跌到險屁股開花.
Monasteries inside Tei Tong Chai~ the path is very steep and slippery here, fell down like a tortoise because of the sand on the ground...... :D
隨大隊山友在"鬼潭" 小休, 人多勢眾, "鬼潭"四處充滿笑聲, 不再陰森恐怖.
Had a little bit rest @ "Haunted pond" with lots of team-mates and hikers.
So many people here today and our laughs full of the whole place.
Lunch again @ Lo Han Monastery!!