午間: 南丫島榕樹灣半日行
Morning: Season for Carnival ~ Michaelmas Fair 2011 @ St John's Cathedral, Central (http://mf.sjchk.org/)
Afternoon: Lamma Island (Yung Shue Wan ONLY)
(Annual Michaelmas fund-raising fair @ St John's Cathedral Central→Central Piers @ Central→Yung Shue Wan @ Lamma Isalnd→From Yung Shue Wan→Lamma Winds [Wind power station]→Lo Tik Wan Villlage→Back to Yung Shue Wan pier→Back to Central)
離開聖約翰堂賣物會後, 怱怱趕到中央碼頭, 幸運地趕及12時的小輪前往南丫島榕樹灣.
今天在賣物會買了一隻Humpty Dumpty, 大家都替這位新隊友來個萬聖節打扮.
We left St John's Cathedral from the annual fund-raising St Michaelmas Fair, and then rushed to the Central Pier.
Luckily we still could catch up for the 12 noon ferry for Lamma Island (Yung Shue Wan).
Here's our new team-mate, Humpty Dumpty, which was bought from the Michaelmas Fair.
Other team-mates dressed it in Halloween costume.
安全著陸!!!! 南丫島你好!!
Just landed!!! Hello, Lamma Island!!
本來打算去"南島書蟲" 吃素食午飯. 不過, 有隊友發現了另一間西式素食店Green Cottage, 即來這裡一試.
今天的Brunch set有素漢堡+沙律, 味道不錯, 漢堡包來有豆腐一大片, 加上美味的蘑菇汁, 烤青瓜及蘑菇, 非常滿足.
其他隊友吃了素火腿薄餅(有豬豬圖像!!), 不過有芝士, 我沒有吃.
We wanted to go for South Bookworm for a veg. brunch. But another team-mate found a veggie cafe "Green Cottage" nearby,
so we had our brunch @ Green Cottage Veggie Cafe. I had brunch @ HK$78, with a veggie burger combo.
There were a big piece of tofu, roasted cucumbers and mushrooms in the burger, with delicious mushroom sauce.
And also with salad and potato skin!! Others had veggie pizza (with cheese), with veg. ham and other vegetables as toppings.
There's a pig icon on the menu outside the cafe, which stands for veggie ham, no pork, no worries.
新隊友Humpty Dumpty 與花老B 惺惺相惜.
Our new comer Humpty Dumpty and Tachibana san have become friends in seconds!!
終於到了風采發電站!! 全港最大的風力發電裝置!! 馬灣也有風力發電裝置, 不過規模較小.
Now we were @ Lamma Winds! The biggest wind power station of HK. There are similar ones in Ma Wan Island, but much smaller.
風采發電站旁有小路通往人跡罕至的蘆荻灣, 大家即戴上萬聖節面具, 衝入蘆荻灣嚇狗!!!
There's a little footpath near Lamma Winds for Lo Tik Wan, a place where not many people like to visit.
We put on our Halloween masks as we were walking down-slope for this place, to scare the dogs inside!!
下去蘆荻灣村的山路極斜, 到了蘆荻灣後, 大家在海邊扮鬼嚇村內的狗. 村狗不大欣賞萬聖節打扮, 還把我們趕到蘆荻灣碼頭.
碼頭可看到鹿洲, 海邊是蘆荻灣村, 不過村屋大都給鎖上, 看來沒有什麼人居於此地.
The footpath for Lo Tik Wan is very steep!!! After we had arrived Lo Tik Wan Village,
we tried to scare the dogs... but the dogs kept on barking and chasing us!!!
So we had a rest @ Lo Tik Wan Pier. We could see a beautiful island from here, which is called "Luk Chau" (Deer Island) on the map,
and there are a number of village houses along the beach, but mostly are locked and nobody are living in.
Seems now only a few old villagers are still living in this village.
蘆荻灣景色不錯, 因為距離碼頭很遠, 而且村路又長又斜, 故很少有遊人到此地, 份外寧靜.
即使榕樹灣碼頭的觀光地圖亦沒有提及此地, 好像與世隔絕一樣.
Beautiful scenes @ Lo Tik Wan village!!! But as it's so far away from Yung Shue Wan Ferry Pier,
and the footpath to this village is very steep and long, very few visitors will come here.
So it's very quiet and a little bit mysterious to many people. Lo Tik Wan village is even NOT included in the the visitors' map @ Yung Shue Wan pier.
經過龍仔村, 遇上"英俊" 的狼狗, 牠還爬上露台, 不停的向門外的遊人吠叫. 往榕樹灣的路上, 看到這可愛大肥貓.
We saw this "Handsome" dog as we passed Lung Tsai Village, it climbed up the balcony and barked at the people outside,
just wanted to jump out and played with us. We met this lovely fat cat on the road for Yung Shue Wan.
來南丫島, 當然不會錯過阿婆的冰凍豆腐花!!!
So hot this afternoon!! We rushed to Ah Por's sweet tofu and each of us had a bowl of chilled sweet tofu!!!
The sweet tofu is very famous and nearly all people coming for Lamma Island will try once. Now HK$10 for each bowl!!
Last year still HK$7!!!
這小貓不知為什麼一見我們便不斷伸出舌頭!!! 牠很肚餓嗎????
Don't know why this cat kept on licking its mouth when it saw us!!!! Is it so hungry??
天色漸暗, 是回程的時候了.
It was growing dark now, time for leaving!!!