Village visit along Sham Wat & Pink Seacoast, to Po Chu Tam of Tai O
(Tung Chung→Shan Hoi Ting Pavilion→Sham Wat Road→Shan Wat Bay→Pink Seacoast→Sham Wat village→Sai Tso Wan village→Mountain path via Elephant Hill→Tit Tak Shue abandoned fish farm→North Lantau Obelisk→Po Chu Tam [Gemstone pond] of Tai O)
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例牌~ 新大嶼山 23號巴士, 山海亭站下車, 再步向山海亭, 吃點早餐, 欣賞一下山林美景.
The same~ NLB bus no.23, got off @ San Hoi Ting stop, walked to San Hoi Ting pavilion, had some food inside, and also had a look at the beautiful mountain scenes from there.
忍不住在山上跑了一會. 背後是觀音山(膝頭哥山) 及羗山.
Attracted by the mountain scenes, had a bit of trail-running. There're Kwun Yam Mountain(Knee-cap mountain) and Mount. Keung Shan at the back.
沿深屈方向走, 不久有分义路, 左向延慶寺, 右邊下去深屈村 (有一指示向沙螺灣的路牌). 進入深屈道後, 即有驚喜!! 路上遇上英俊的印裔單車友.
Walked for the way to Sham Wat, there're branch roads!! The left is for Yin Hing Monastery, so stick to the right-hand side for Sham Wat village.
When we were walking down from Sham Wat Road, we met a handsome Indian mountain biker, riding his bike upwards from Sham Wat village.
深屈道是單車人的熱門地點, 不過山路極斜, 很吃力!!! 深屈道被群山包圍, 路上長滿白千層, 風景很美!! 在山上下望深屈灣及深屈村, 快到目的地了!!
Sham Wat Road is one of the popular spots for mountain bikers, but as it's quite a steep slope, riding bikes here is quite a hard time!
Sham Wat Road is surrounded by mountains, and there are paper barks (trees) growing along the road also.
We could see Sham Wat bay and village houses from the hillside, we are near the village now!
深屈村的果園~ 很多蕉樹, 還種了生菜, 楊桃樹, 金桔!!!
@ the orchard (fruit farm) of Sham Wat~ banana trees, lettuce, star-fruit trees and citris fruit trees all around!!!
在村口路上, 會有茜草灣水利工程的牌子. 牌子後有小路通向海邊, 亦會見到"深屈自動氣象站", 沿海走便是粉紅海岸.
今天非常無奈地發現深屈灣佈滿垃圾!! 粉紅海岸亦慘不忍睹, 垃圾填滿美麗的粉紅石!! 跟2009年12月時仍然乾淨美麗的海邊作比較, 現在的環境差了很多很多!!!
There's a sign showing about the Water work for Sai Tso Wan, erected by the Water Supplies Dept, near Sham Wat Village.
There's a road leading to the seaside, and you'll discover the Automated weather station for Sham Wat here.
We were very shocked to find out piles of trash along Sham Wat bay and the Pink Seacoast!!!!
When comparing with the environment of 2009 we first came here for fun, now the environment is really horrible!!!!
深屈村內留影~ 昂深石澗 (有人稱彌深石澗), 深屈村屋及乾柴一堆.
Inside Sham Wat village~ Ngong-sham stream (also called Nei-sham stream), village houses and firewood used for cooking.
回到深屈村海邊~ 今天在深屈村 8號吃點小食 (花生醬多士!!), 村屋內拍照留念之餘, 看見村民昔日在深屈灣撿來的粉紅石, 大螺及珊瑚!!!!
可見昔日深屈灣的海洋物產如何豐富!! 村民還在其中一礁石上畫上笑臉呢!! 今天要了一杯鮮搾桔子汁, 又看見村民種的黃姜及香蕉.
Back to the seaside if Sham Wat village~ we had some snacks @ no.8 Sham Wat village, we could see a collection of shore treasure here!
Pink stones, a big sea-shell, rocks and coral (there's a rock with a smiling face painted by the villagers!!!) picked up from Sham Wat Bay long time ago.
I ordered toast with peanut butter and a glass of fresh-squeezed citris juice (from the orchard)!!
There are also yellow ginger and bananas for selling, which are grown in the fruit farm here!
離開深屈村, 向大澳方向前進, 先到茜草灣村一看.
We left Sham Wat village and kept on walking to the way to Tai O. Before going to Tai O, we had a visit to Sai Tso Wan village first.
茜草灣村在70年代, 已因一場雨災給荒廢. 原居民已搬到現在的深屈村. 不過, 村屋, 果園, 海邊美景仍舊不變.
花老B 還給芭蕉精偷襲, 非常危險.
Sai Tso Wan village is abandoned already during the 70s, because of a severe rainstorm at that time.
The local residents there moved to Sham Wat village afterwards and live there till now. But the fruit-farms, village houses and the beautiful seaside still present.
Tachibana san was attacked by the banana tree monsters, luckily he had escaped!
在茜草灣搗亂一番後, 向大澳方向走. 從深屈至大澳, 前半段是石屎村路, 之後是山路, 全程約1小時左右. 從山上回望深屈, 只見濃霧一片.
We played for a while in Sai Tso Wan village and then returned to the main footpath and moved to Tai O.
The first part of the village road from Sham Wat to Tai O is a concrete footpath, but when you keep on moving forward,
you have to walk on sandy / rocky mountain path until reaching Tai O. It takes about 1 hour from Sham Wat to Tai O.
When looked back to Sham Wat, we could hardly see the sea-coast, it was quite a misty day.
山路上多美景, 偶然穿越叢林, 內有大石澗, 亦會經過佈滿枯樹之地.
Beautiful mountain scenes everywhere~ walked through the woods, there's a big dried stream, and also with many dried trees nearby.
近大澳的海邊看"粉紅石", 有形狀趣怪的大岩一大個!!
Walked down to the seaside near Tai O (coastline of North Lantau), there were lots of pink rocks also, we took a photo with this funny big pink rock.
由此上山??? 非也!! 只是賞石而已. 不過, 見到樓梯, 就真的要上山了.
What??? We have to climb up from here? No worries, just had a look @ those funny stones!
But we really had to walk upstairs from here to go for Tai O.
上山後, 見到嶼北界石, 細看石上文字, 可知有關的歷史.
Now at the slope and we could see the North Lantau Obelisk (Boundary Stone) here!! Have a look @ the words carved on the stone since 1902.
看花老B 後的象山!! 是否有一點兒像卧著的小象?
Elephant Hill (Cheung Shan) at the back of Tachibana san!! Do you think it looks like a little elephant lying down?
到達大澳寶珠潭!! 是不是像一顆浮在水上的綠寶石?
Now we were @ Po Chu Tam Pond (Actually it's the seaside)!! Does it look like an emerald floating on the water?
從寶珠潭步向大澳的新基, 觀賞濕地及棚屋.
We walked from Po Chu Tam to Sun Kei, and had a look @ those stilt houses and wetlands.
從新基步向大澳市集, 在 "大澳小食" 停下醫肚. 今天點了"香妃卷", 卷餅以麵粉造成, 沒有使用蛋. 內裡的材料可自行選擇,
我選了蘿蔔, 香草及少許蔥, 素食者都可吃, 一片$20.
We walked to Tai O market from Sun Kei, and stopped @ "Tai O Snacks" for meal. There are delicious Chinese "pizza" rolls made from flour (NO eggs!!),
and you can select your own fillings. I chose seasoned and diced turnip, parsley and little pinch of leek as fillings.
No eggs and milk inside, suitable for vegan, each plate $20
野生草藥茶, 有老板送我們吃的炸薯條, 非常好吃!!
Iced herbal tea, fries from the shop-keeper, VERY delicious!
白雪公主, 紫貝天葵 (昔日只在昂平較高的地區才會生長的深紅色植物)
Snow White and 7 dwarfs, purple-red herbs (In the past, this purple-red herb only could be found in highland area such as Ngong Ping)