HK Olympic Trail (Tung Mui Ancient Path)~ from Tung Chung to Mui Wo
Transportation details:
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0940 到達東涌新大嶼山 36號巴士站, 等候10:00 開出的巴士. 36號巴士只有 3班, 10:00後便要到晚上1930 才有下一班次.
本來, 36號巴士是供在小蠔灣車廠工作的職員乘坐, 所以會稍為經過白芒村及大蠔灣, 但只有假日才有加班服務. 去東梅古道, 在白芒村下車.
東涌新大嶼山巴士站還新設了巴士路線圖, 不怕上錯車.
We reached NLB bus stop for bus no.36 around 0940. There're only 3 departures from Tung Chung to Siu Ho Wan from Mondays to Saturdays. If we've missed the 10:00 departure,
the next one will come in the evening. NLB bus no.36 is for the staff working in Siu Ho Wan vehicle detention centre, so that's why except holidays and Sundays,
there are just 3 times to catch this bus. As HK Olympic Trail which starts from Pak Mong Village is more popular than before,
more hikers coming to this place (Pak Mong & Tai Ho Bay) and now even Saturdays, so many people are queuing up at the no.36 bus-stop.
There's a new NLB routing map nearby, showing visitors which bus they can choose for different places in Lantau.
到了白芒村! 村口有著名的古代焚化爐, 1年多沒有來白芒村, 這裡變了很多!! 首先是多了很多以中, 英, 日三語顯示的指示牌,
讓行山人士可知道這裡的景點, 生態和歷史, 不過 2年前村口的大石澗就沒有了, 水流少了, 甚至給填充了. 不過以前是一堆亂草的地方,
Now we were @ Pak Mong Village! See the well-known incinerator at the back! Havn't been here since our last visit in Christmas 2009, lots of changes here now!
There are lots of sign-boards along HK Olympic Trail for visitors, written in English, Chinese and Japanese, to introduce the history, details and nature scenes of Pak Mong.
But the big stream nearby now is already filled up with rocks! The stream water is not strong like in the past, now just a little bit water is left.
The bushes were removed and the place now becomes a big farmland!
進入白芒村, 村口的"試劍石" 別來無恙, 宏偉的舊更樓風采依然. 村民仍然使用柴火煮食, 門神給重新塗上油漆, 顯得更有神采.
在這裡恍如進入時光隧道, 回到古代的大嶼山.
Now we were entering Pak Mong Village~~ the "sword-testing" rocks are still here! The old watch-tower still looking fine.
Villagers here still using firewood as fuel for cooking, and the two "Deities for the village" painted on the village door are being "re-touched",
and they look more energetic than before. Being here just like walking out from a time-machine, we were back to the old Lantau again.
2009年時仍是BB 狗的小黑, 現在已長大了.
Darkie was still a little puppy when we first met him in 2009, now he's a big boy.
在白芒村內一處荒林內, 有在1982年已停辦的村校"白望學校", 昔日是給東梅三鄉 (白芒, 大蠔, 牛牯塱) 的孩子學習用的.
東梅三鄉昔日是魚米之鄉, 產量豐富, 村民很多, 曾經有繁盛的日子.
Inside the woods of Pak Mong, the old village school for the children living in Tung Mui 3-villages (Pak Mong, Ngau Kwu Long and Tai Ho) in the past,
is still here!! This old village school is closed in 1982.
Tung Mui 3-villages used to be a very famous place for the growing of different crops (the most for rice) and fisheries, with lots of residents in the past!
到達牛牯塱的林家村!! (塱= 平地)
Now we had reached the Lam's village @ Ngau Kwu Long!!
進入田寮村, 即見一大村屋, 不過已沒有居民.
We entered Tin Liu Village and there's a big village house here, but nobody is living here now.
到了東梅三鄉的小屋(是貯藏用的), 旁為美麗的大蠔河!! 因河中有罕見的香魚, 此地是自然生態保護區之一.
This little house is a place for storage for Tung Mui 3-villages. Next to it is the famous and beautiful Tai Ho River!!
There are rare fish species in Tai Ho River, and this place is reserved for conservation.
大蠔後灣上有快艇, 旁有小橋可步入非常偏遠的 "六合玄宮". 因大蠔河內有很多魚類在生活, 所以河面上不斷有波紋移動.
There are boats @ the back of Tai Ho Bay, and there's a bridge which can lead to a Tao monastery "Luk Hap Yuen Kung",
which is far away from Pak Mong Village and rarely visited by people nowadays. Tai Ho River always just keeps on moving, cos thousands of fish are swimming under the water.
步回田寮村, 我們終於發現了昔日毛主席年代, 在這裡的一個 "革命基地"!! 舊村屋已給鎖上, 但屋外仍有當年的"革命標語"
Back to Tin Liu Village, and we finally discovered the "Secret Assembly place" during the time for Cultural Revolution in China.
The old village house is locked, but we still could see the slogan for the support of Chairman Mao painted on the village house!
重返牛牯塱村, 在林家村對面的兩間舊村屋前, 有山路上山通往梅窩. 上山後有支路, 向右是大蠔新村, 左邊才是往梅窩.
Back to Ngau Kwu Long again. Now we were in front of Lam's Village. There are two old stone houses nearby,
and the footpath leading up to the hillside is for Mui Wo. Stick to this path, walk up until you can see two ways.
The right side is for Tai Ho Sun Tsuen (= New Tai Ho village), the left one is for Mui Wo. There's a direction sign on the road also.
一直向上行, 會看見一座觀景亭, 這裡名叫 "紅花顏", 而山上的確長滿紅花. "紅花顏"附近有不少山澗, 高處可看到地面的大蠔灣,
山明水秀, 景色儀人. 另有謂因 "紅花顏" 風景甚美, 像少女的容顏般美麗, 因而得名. 昔日此地甚荒蕪, 但今天已納入北大嶼山郊野公園(擴建部份)之一,
Walked upwards and we saw a pavilion at the top of a slope. This place is called "Hung Fa Ngan" (= The faces / appearances of red flowers~~ quite a strange name!!)
And actually there are red flowers blooming everywhere. There are also streams and beautiful mountain scenes here.
We could see Tai Ho Bay from the pavilion, with fresh breeze and wonderful forests. An old saying about the name "Hung Fa Ngan"~
as this place is so beautiful, it just looks like a young beauty's face.
"Hung Fa Ngan" was rarely visited by outsiders' in the past, as there wasn't any public transport available at that time.
But now this place is already part of the Lantau North (Extension) Country Park, more and more hikers coming here for a walk.
離開"紅花顏"後, 再上山可見另一休憩亭. 此地叫"阿婆塱"!!! 只是短短10分鐘, 便從紅花般的美少女變了阿婆!!!!
"阿婆塱"休憩亭旁開了新行山徑 "老虎頭郊遊徑", 可步至愉景灣那邊, 不過山路較崎嶇, 今天不會經那邊. 路上有指示牌, 介紹此地的自然生態.
We had left Hung Fa Ngan and walked upwards again. After about 10 mins, we saw another pavilion. This place is called "A Po Long" (A Po= Old woman, Long = a big piece of flatland)
Oh so horrible, in just 10 mins, a young beauty became an old woman !!!!!! Hahaha!!
There's a new hiking road near A Po Long Pavilion, which was finished in Aug 2010.
It's called "Lo Fu Tau Country Trail" (Lo Fu Tau = Tiger Head), which will lead you to Discovery Bay via the top of "Tiger Head" mountain and to the places near the Discovery Bay Reservoir (See the maps included).
一直上山, 經過一大人工森林後, 到了最高點~~ 海拔227米高的望渡坳!! 望渡坳避雨亭附近, 有高度標柱, 可讓大家在山頂上向下望到梅窩!
望渡坳名字很怪, 其實意思是, 在此山坳, 大家可看到梅窩那邊的渡輪, 所以被稱為"望渡坳"~ 眺望渡輪的山坳.
Keep on going up until you can see this rain shelter! Here we were @ the highest point of HK Olympic Trail!
Mong To Au~ 227m above sea level, with a geometrical pole nearby. The name "Mong To Au" is quite strange, but there's meaning behind.
(Mong望 = to see, To渡 = ferries, Au坳 = Col of a mountain ---> these three words are coming from old Chinese meanings, so they look so strange to us).
The meaning of the name means, we can see the ferries from the col here.
Yes, we can see Mui Wo pier and the ferries passing by from the top of Mong To Au, in a sunny day.
終於到平地了, 先有巴蕉花來迎接. 這裡是窩田村, 還得了"無山火" 獎狀呢! 窩田村內仍有不少居民, 大家請保持安靜, 不要亂闖.
Now we had "landed"!! A blooming banana tree welcomed us. This is Wo Tin village, with "mountain-fire free" certificates granted! There are still lots of residents in Wo Tin village,
please keep silence and do NOT enter the villagers' farmlands and houses.
到了銀礦洞, 稍為入內一看. 由於洞穴已封閉, 只能在洞口參觀.
Now we were @ Silvermine cave. As the cave was already closed, we could only go inside near the "hole" but couldn't go far away.
Now we were @ Silvermine Waterfall!
稍為放下背包, 爬上岩石看瀑布. 在石澗旁的岩石上, 大家一起吃零食, 一邊談笑, 一邊享受山風, 真是一大樂事!!
Just put down our belongings, climbed up a little bit to see the waterfall. We all sat on the rocks, next to the rivers and streams.
We shared our snacks and drinks, joked around, enjoyed the mountain breeze together, what a wonderful afternoon!!!!!
香港奧運徑已到尾聲, 要去白銀鄉了!!
It's the end point of HK Olympic Trail. Now just move to Pak Ngan Heung village!
Inside Pak Ngan Heung village.
梅窩街頭~ 睡姿怪怪的狗.
@ Mui Wo Street~ a dog with strange pose
很美的花, 像穿上紫色裙子的仙子!!
Very lovely flowers!! They look like pink fairies in purple skirts!!
到了銀礦灣!! 花老B 忍不住吻了金龍 (龍舟)
The last stop~ @ Silvermine Beach now!! A goodbye kiss to the Golden Dragon (a dragon boat) from Tachibana san.
回到東涌, 在大食代來了個印度素食套餐~ 咖哩雜菜
Back to Tung Chung. We had Indian Vegetarian food from the food court of CityGate. There's a list of vegetarian Indian food available, also suitable for vegans.