Visit to Amah Rock and Lion Rock @ Lion Rock Country Park, Hung Mui Kuk entrance, Shatin
(Start from Hung Mui Kuk→Amah Rock→Lion Rock→Kowloon Pass→Wang Tau Hom→Tin Ma Court @ Chuk Yuen, near Wong Tai Sin)
More about Lion Rock and Amah Rock:
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今早去沙田的紅梅谷, 先在九龍塘乘81M / 88M (亦可在大圍火車站步行約20-30分鐘), 於"世界花園" 站下車後, 反方向向著市區(九龍) 方向,
紅梅谷~ 一個美麗的名字! 是因為在夏季時, 此地整個山谷都長滿紅色的楊梅, 因而得名!
今日、紅梅谷へ行きました。 まず、九竜塘でバス81M番か88M番で、沙田の世界花園に降りた。
Today's special~ Hiking @ Hung Mui Kuk, Shatin!! How to reach there? Mm... we took a bus 81M / 88M (or you can walk from Tai Wai Railway station) from Kowloon Tong MTR first.
Then get off @ "Worldwide Garden" bus-stop. And then walk along Hung Mui Kuk Road for the direction to Kowloon.
Hung Mui Kuk~ means "Red Berries' valley", what a beautiful name!
In summer, you can find lots of red bayberries in this place!
This is why it's called Hung Mui Kuk (Red Berries' valley), with Hung=Red, Mui=berry / prums, Kuk=valley.
沿著紅梅谷路前行, 直至看見路邊有樓梯可上山, 那裡是"獅子山郊野公園" 的入口. 一入, 即見指示牌, 說明此地很多野生猴子, 看今天會否遇上牠們.
We walked along Hung Mui Kuk Road, until we found the staircases for "Lion Rock Country Park" along the road.
We entered and saw a big signboard, showing that there are lots of wild monkeys in this place!!
See whether we were lucky enough to meet some of them!
入口亦是美麗的紅梅谷燒烤區, 此地常有不少遊人來燒烤, 非常熱鬧.
The entrance also is Hung Mui Kuk Barbecue area, a beautiful BBQ spot. This is a famous place for BBQ, lots of people came here today.
今天頭炮是上山看"望夫石", 沿此石旁的小路上山便可到達.
望夫石(ぼうふせき、Amah Rock)を見に行こう!!(望夫石について)
Our first scenic spot for this morning was "Amah Rock", just walk along the path next to this stone and you can find "Amah Rock".
步至山上的引水道入口, 另有指示牌, 在此可選擇上獅子山或望夫石. 獅子山的路在左, 較平坦, 右側可上望夫石的則是極斜的山路.
Now we had reached the entrance of Catchwater. There are direction signs for Lion Rock and Amah Rock.
The left is for Lion Rock, a hiker-friendly path, but the way to Amah Rock at the right is a steep mountain path.
穿越崎嶇不平的上山路, 沿途景色不錯, 有山有水有小溪. 但夏天一定熱得要命.
We walked up the hillside via this steep path, but the scenes are beautiful!
Streams and rivers everywhere, but very hot in summer.
終於見到望夫石!!! 原來亦有不少人拜祭此母子石!! 不過, 近看此石, 背後的嬰兒卻不像嬰孩了, 反而像穿著和服的婦人.
Amah Rock is in front of our eyes!! There are also people worshippping this rock!
But if you are close to Amah Rock, you may find that the "woman" is not carrying her baby, but more like a woman in traditional Japanese kimono (Japanese dress)
山景很不錯~ (上)畢架山頂, (中)沙田區, (下)對面的獅子山
美しい!!一番上:Beacon Hill、真ん中:沙田、下は獅子山です
Wonderful scenes~ (top)Top of Beacon Hill, (middle)Shatin district, (bottom)Lion Rock at the opposite side
從望夫石下山, 可見紅梅谷的山景, 真的美得令人發呆!! 旁有小亭, 有小路可步向獅子山.
We left Amah Rock and had a look at the beautiful Hung Mui Kuk valley!!!
There's a little pavilion nearby, and a path leading to Lion Rock.
在山路上慢慢欣賞景色之際, 突有動物叫聲, 赫然見有兩頭猴子在地上, 牠們正想交配!!!!
我們忍不住大笑, 雌猴一見我們便跳上樹瞬間消失.... 餘下一臉無奈的雄猴坐在樹上... 對不起, 破壞牠的"人生大事" 了.!!!
As we were walking along the mountain path, we heard some screams!! Then we found a pair of monkeys on the ground, and
they were mating!!!! We laughed and the female monkey quickly jumped up to the trees and disappeared....
The male monkey was left behind, sitting on some branches, looked very sad and disappointed!!!
Sorry, Mr Monkey, we had ruined your mating plan!!!
去獅子山的林徑, 雖然崎嶇, 但極有趣.
The forest track to Lion Rock. A little bit challenging but absolutely worth to have a walk.
穿過森林, 到了九龍坳. 這裡是回歸紀念亭, 附近有多條山徑可供選擇.
Walked through the forest track and we had reached Kowloon Pass. Here's a pavilion and many hikers' paths nearby for different places.
這裡可至筆架山, 亦是麥理浩徑第5段.
ここを通って、Beacon Hillに行きます
You can reach Beacon Hill from here, it's also MacLehose Trail stage 5.
別小看這塊石, 它是立於1900 年代的軍事座標!!!!
See this stone!!! It is erected here from 1900s!! It was a Military marker stone in the past!!
軍事座標旁, 有一座在1970-71年由行山人士搭建的小風雨亭. 亭內有好詩一首, 大家慢慢細看.
There's a little pavilion near the military stone, which is built around 1970-71, by a group of hikers at that time.
There's also a poem written by a hiker stuck to the wooden wall.
這裡登上獅子山的頂部只有400米的路程!! 對行山人士非常吸引!! 不過, 這400米的山路卻是十分崎嶇不平, 有危險性, 沒有足夠裝備不要亂來.
Just a distance of 400m to reach the top of Lion Rock Peak!! Very attractive to hikers to try reaching the top!
But just remind you that, this 400m path is very narrow, steep and slippery! Get yourself equipped before an attempt!
At least bring a hiking absorber and with sports shoes!
登上獅子山的路~ 山徑大都佈滿沙石, 又窄又滑, 很貼著崖邊. 有些石級會高至膝蓋, 小心慢行!!!
不過, 這些未算最難走... 最難走的在接近獅子的位置, 千萬不要跑
The path near the top of Lion Rock~ The path is full of sand and stones, narrow, bumpy and slippery, some are near the cliff.
And some rocks are quite high~~ even up to my knee-cap! But these are still not the most challenging ones, when you move nearer to the Lion Head,
the path is more difficult to pass... Remember DON'T run, otherwise you may fall down from the top.
獅子山頂好風光~ 九龍在我們腳下!! 公路, 大廈及車輛如 LEGO般細小!!
Beautiful scenes @ the top of Lion Rock Peak~ Kowloon is under our feet!
Buildings, flyovers and cars just like those we can see from LEGO....
獅子大王正在睡覺!!!! 不過再走近點, 不太像獅子了!!! 這裡有海拔 495米高, 比全港最高 484米的西九龍ICC (環球貿易廣場) 還要高!!
(我們等於從地面步向ICC 的頂樓了!!!) 很利害呢!!!
Lion King was in a deep sleep when we were near his head!!!!! But if you walk nearer to the Lion Head, it doesn't look like a lion any more....
Now we were at a height of 495m above sea level (I forgot to take a photo of the signboard showing the height of this place!!!!), even higher than the tallest building, ICC (International Commerce Centre) in West Kowloon (ICC is 484m in height)!!
We just like walking from the ground and reach the roof of ICC!!!! Woow!!
今早沒有吃足夠食物, 從地面一直走上山頂, 令我血糖很快降低, 雙腳不停震, 而且山頂風很大, 我站得不大隱... 為免再久留以致發生意外,
一拍完獅子王便快快獨自下山. 不過, 中途坐在岩石上小休時, 突然見有極可愛的小狗兩頭在身旁出現!!!! 一是冠毛犬, 另一隻不清楚品種.
牠們的主人是外國人, 很友善的讓我跟牠們拍照!!!
I hadn't got even food for breakfast this morning. As the way from the ground to the top of Lion Rock really "ate-up" my energy,
I think my blood sugar level dropped very quickly and my legs couldn't stop shaking and even couldn't stand up straight at the top of the peak.
Before any accidents happen, I took photos as quickly as I could and left asap first...
I had a rest on a big rock down the hill and there, I met two very lovely doggies!! One is a Chinese Crested dog and the other one unknown....
Their "Daddy" is a foreigner and he let me take photos for his lovely "kids"!!
下山回九龍坳, 再待大家下山後, 一起經小徑步向市區, 終點是橫頭磡的天馬苑.
Down to Kowloon Pass and waited for the others back. Then we walked along the path to Tin Ma Court, Wang Tau Hom, which is in Wong Tai Sin District.
到達山腳的獅子山公園(不是今早去的獅子山郊野公園!!!!), 然後再下去竹園道的天馬苑, 那裡有 72號小巴可達鑽石山地鐵站.
Finally we had arrived Lion Rock Park (NOT the Lion Rock Country Park we entered this morning!! They're different places!!)
Then we walked along the traffic road to Tin Ma Court @ Chuk Yuen Road, and then took a mini-bus (no.72) to Diamond Hill MTR station.