Monastery visit @ Upper & Lower Keung Shan area, Lantau
(San Hoi Ting→Luk Wu→Gak Su Temple @ Upper Keung Shan→Mountain trail to Lower Keung Shan→Veg Lunch @ Ling Yan Monastery)
NLB bus, no.23 from Tung Chung, get off @ San Hoi Ting bus-stop
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10:10 東涌出發, 乘大嶼山巴士 23號, 於昂坪總站前一個站的 "山海亭" 站下車. 之後向深屈方向步行, 在"山海亭"內吃了些早餐, 便向深屈道進發.
Henry 今天有一位資深的山友大叔也有來, 他告訴我們很多有關 "山海亭" 的趣事, 大家聽得入了神. 原來山友大叔年輕時常到深屈及昂坪行山, 當年這裡沒有車路, 十分偏僻,
"山海亭"是昔日行山人士的一個有名的休息地點, 當時亭子在山路上, 大家常在亭子避太陽及小休吃飯, 現在交通方便後, "山海亭"便給丟在深山中, 漸漸給樹林掩蓋了.
We reached Tung Chung at 10:10am, then we took NLB bus no.23, and got off at one stop before reaching Ngong Ping destination. This stop is called "San Hoi Ting" (a pavilion).
Then we walked to the way for Sham Wat and stopped for a while at "San Hoi Ting" pavilion (see the photo in the middle) for a rest and had our breakfast there also.
Henry brought an experienced hiker along (around 60 I think) and this Uncle told us many interesting things about "San Hoi Ting" pavilion when he was still a young guy.
In the past, "San Hoi Ting" pavilion was a famous spot for hikers to have a rest / as a sun-shelter / for meals during their trips.
There were no traffic roads (or just limited) in Sham Wat and Ngong Ping in the past, so hikers walked for long long way and needed to stop for a while for some food or a nap.
So they would stop at "San Hoi Ting" pavilion for sightseeing and having their meals here. But as there's public transport available now,
"San Hoi Ting" pavilion is being left alone in a corner.
從深屈道進入, 向左轉進入鹿湖(森林區), 步行約5-10分鐘, 便到達著名的鹿湖精舍.
鹿湖精舍是鹿湖區最早建成的寺院, 有上百年的歷史了. 今天很幸運, 我們遇上鹿湖精舍的僧侶, 她說現在治安不佳, 有人從昂坪下來偷竊.
昔日鹿湖精舍是門戶大開的, 現在要關上大門了 (交通太方便之過!!). 跟師父談起新年前一訪的"三緣精舍" ( , 原來"三緣精舍"的住持在很多年前,
於回內地探訪友人時給劫匪殺死了, 之後"三緣精舍"便荒廢了.
Walked along Sham Wat road and turned left for Luk Wu Forest area (Luk Wu means Deer's Lake). Then walked for another 10 mins, we had reached the famous Luk Wu Monastery.
Luk Wu Monastery is very famous in the past, and it is also the FIRST monastery built in Luk Wu, with a history of over 100 years!
We were very lucky today!! We met the nun from Luk Wu Monastery! She told us that they could keep the doors of the monastery open in the past, no matter nights or days.
But now there are people stealing things from the monastery and these thieves are coming from Ngong Ping! (Due to the availability of public transport!!)
She also told us about Sam Yuen Monastery ( that we had visited before Chinese New Year.
The nun who managed Sam Yuen Monastery was murdered by a robber many years ago, when she was in China to visit her friends! After her death, Sam Yuen Monastery was abandoned till now.
Nobody will be there any more and the doors are locked also.
New look of Fat Chuen Monastery (Buddha Fountain / spring monastery) after a "big" cleanup.
另一小寺院~ 智積林.
Another little monastery nearby~ Chi Chik Lam Monastery (Meaning: Build-up of wisdom)
觀音叢林 (觀自在林; 觀自在=觀音)
Guan-yin forest (Full name: Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara... so long!!!)
來到覺修寺國際禪院, 這裡以禪坐為主, 有很多外國人來禪修.
Here we are @ International Zen Centre Gak Su Temple! Here's a place for Zen practising, and many foreigners come here for meditation. NO speech is allowed here, so even non-English speakers also enjoy the meditation.
This place is perfect for ZEN, the silence and the forest make all people like being in a paradise.
覺修寺外有小長木椅兩張, 四野無人, 正好來個 15分鐘的午睡~ 看"睡房" 四周的環境多美!!
There are 2 wooden benches outside Gak Su Temple! A perfect "bedroom" for me to have a 15-min sleep! Good-day, let me have a sleep first.
See how beautiful my "bedroom" is!
覺修寺旁有山路下山至下羗山, 山中有藏傳佛教的寺院及佛塔, 林中的樹上可見到密宗的旗幟. 這裡有水管及減壓設施, 把溪水引去鹿湖及羗山的寺院, 水管換上了新的.
There's a mountain trail leading to Lower Keung Shan. There's a Tibetan monastery with Buddha tower in the forest, and also with flags from Tibetan monasteries attached to the trees.
There are water pipes and Break Pressure Tank which help to bring stream water to the monasteries in Luk Wu and Keung Shan (part of the old water pipe is replaced by new one!).
沿山路繼續走, 最後的一段樓梯對面, 有行人路可通向大澳的靈隱寺.
Walking along the mountain trail again. Going downstairs from here. There's a footpath at the opposite side which leads to Ling Yan Monastery of Tai O.
先上山坡頂, 原來這裡是僧人的墓地, 墓碑以西藏文寫成, 應該是一位密宗師父.
We walked up the to top of a hill first. There's a tomb here, with Tibetan script written on the tombstone. This should be a rest place for a Tibetan monk.
靈隱寺內一遊! 有美味素菜, 可以在茶水間取清茶飲用.
A visit @ Ling Yan Monastery! You can get tea FREE from their drinking area (water and tea).
桂花飄香, 香氣滿園. 池中有紫色蓮花盛放, 非常美麗!
The scent of osmanthus flowers full of the whole garden!! There's a purple lotus flower blooming now!
Admired the beautiful mountain scene here!