Hiking @ Mt. Nei Lak Shan & Lin Chee Monastery, Ngong Ping
(Ngong Ping→Nei Lak Shan→Lin Chee Monastery)
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10時正到了東涌23號巴士站, 等候10時10分往昂平的巴士.
We reached NLB 23 bus stop in Tung Chung at 10am. There's a bus @ 10:10am to Ngong Ping.
從往心經簡林的方向走, 不久會見到往"彌勒山郊遊徑" 的路牌.
First, walk to the way for "Wisdom Path", then you'll see the direction sign showing the way to "Nei Lak Shan Country Trail".
11時正, 到達"彌勒山郊遊徑" 的入口. 先看一下地圖.
Already 11am. Now we were at the entrance of "Nei Lak Shan Country Trail", there's a map near the entrance, have a look first.
出發!! 為何一出發便見出口??? 其實"彌勒山郊遊徑" 是一條環山行山徑, 出口及入口都在同一地方.
"彌勒山郊遊徑" 又名"彌勒金腰帶", 因為它像一條腰帶般繞著彌勒山, 在陽光下反映著金光, 非常特別.
Go from here!! Why we could see the Exit just started?? Actually "Nei Lak Shan Country Trail" is a mountain path built round Nei Lak Shan Mountain, this is why both the entrance and the exit are at the same place.
It is also called "Nei Lak Golden Belt", cos the hiking path just looks like a belt put around the mountain, and the golden sunlight reflected makes it look like a "golden waist belt".
The scene @ the hillside is wonderful!!
過了一個山頭, 遠看金腰帶, 還看到彌勒山的頂部. 我們正身處海拔 700米的山上. 今早山上氣溫較低, 強風撲面,
不過因為此地區沒有民居(僧人除外), 所以這裡空氣非常清新, 令人心曠神怡.
We had walked for a while and had a look at the "Golden Belt". From here, we could also see the top of Nei Lak Shan mountain.
Now we were at a height of 700m above sea level, the temperature was low and very windy here also. But the fresh air made us feeling very comfortable, perhaps it's because
there are no residential buildings (except monasteries) nearby.
山上漫遊, 中途有石澗, 岩上及崖壁長滿苔蘚類鮮綠的植物, 從山上下望, 可見到法門古道的"中道亭". 此時剛好是寺院的午課時間, 四處都是禪院鐘聲, 鐘聲傳到山上, 令人有處身世外之感.
We had a walk @ the "Golden Belt", we saw many dried streams, light green mosses growing everywhere near the cliff and on the rocks.
When we looked downwards, we could see "Chung To Ting" pavilion, which is inside "Fat Mun Ancient Path".
Now it's the "lunch praying session" for the monasteries and we could hear the sound of the "Zen bells" even @ the hillside. We could feel that we were just like staying in the Buddha's world!!!
花老B 給被雲霧包圍的鳳凰山頂部攝住了!
Tachibana san was attracted by the top of the misty Lantau Peak.
山上的樹已結了果子, 有些亦快開花, 春天真的來臨了. 隨著天色比早上更暗, 氣溫漸下降, 是時候回程了. 山路有點崎嶇不平, 小心慢行.
There are fruit, flower buds and green sprouts everywhere in the mountain, spring has come!!
It was growing darker and the temperature gradually kept on falling, it was the time to leave! The path is a bit slippery and full of stones, take care while leaving.
回到入口附近, 步向昂平觀景台. 穿越林道途中, 可見大佛, 佛塔和昂平纜車.
Back to the entrance and walked upwards to the Ngong Ping View Compass. When we were walking through the forest path, we could see the Big Buddha, Buddha towers and the Ngong Ping Cable Car.
離開彌勒山, 回到法門古道的入口. 野狗小白及小黑在附近休息, 小黑更在瞑想狀態!! 見到大佛即進寶蓮寺用膳.
We had left Nei Lak Shan Mountain and back to the archway of "Fat Mun Ancient Path". Here we could see stray dogs Darkie and Snowy.
Little Darkie was meditating!!! When we saw the Big Buddha, we quickly rushed into Po Lin Monastery for lunch.
Lunch @ Po Lin Monastery
昂平村內的淨悟林, 原來已不供應素菜.
We were near Tsing Ng Lam monastery of Ngong Ping village. There're NO vegetarian meals offered now!
飯後由蓮坪路進入蓮池寺的入口, 不過, 我們先往反方向的"竹林淨院" 一行.
We walked to Lin Ping Drive for Lin Chi Monastery. But before that, we walked to the opposite side and had a visit to "Chuk Lam Tsing Yuen" (= Bamboo Forest House) monastery first.
從"竹林淨院"旁往昂平舊村的車道行走, 可見到非常陰森荒蕪的廢寺 "聯善堂"
Walking on the traffic road from Chuk Lam Tsing Yuen Monastery, we could see an abandoned old monastery "Luen Sin Tong"
到了美麗又宏偉的蓮池寺!! 寺外有白象雕刻及沒有蓮花的蓮花池!
Here we are @ Lin Chi Monastery!! There is a white elephant on the wall and a lotus pond without lotus flowers!
猜一猜, 這美麗的花是什麼樹結出來的?? 哈哈, 原來是一棵檸檬樹, 猜不到吧!!
Guess what tree these beautiful flowers are from!! Haha, it's a lemon tree!!!! Surprised???
在昂平村污水泵房外!! 綠葉美得像是塗上去似的, 但其實是貨真價實的葉子!!
Now we were outside the Ngong Ping Village Sewage Pumping station! The leaves are so beautiful that look like paintings!! But actually these are REAL leaves!
一探林徑, 突然草中傳出怪聲, 有怪頭伸出來.... 是可愛的牛!!!
When we were walking along the forest path, we heard strange sounds from the bushes.... what was inside??? Suddenly a BIG head popped out!! Woow!! A lovely cow!!!
回昂平市集途中, 見一維修中的寺院"眾善蓮院"
We saw a monastery "Chung Sin Lin Yuen", which is still under some maintenance work, when we were walking back to Ngong Ping 360.
鮮花處處開, 迎接春天來
Blooming flowers are welcoming Spring!