Monastery visit @ Lung Shan Temple (Fanling) & Pun Chun Yuen (Tai Wo)
(粉嶺火車站→A3 出口龍山寺巴士→布格仔村→龍山寺→回粉嶺→太和火車站→錦石新村→錦山路→石蓮路上山→香海蓮社半春園)
(Fanling Railway station Exit A3→Free shuttle bus for Lung Shan Temple[Dragon Hill temple] →Po Kak Tsai Village→Lung Shan Temple→back to Fanling→Tai Wo Railway station→Kam Shek New Village→Kam Shan Road→Go up from Shek Lin Road→Pun Chun Yuen Monastery)
龍山寺 Lung Shan Temple:
至潮燒衣套裝 Funny paper goods for the deceased ones!!!
香海蓮社半春園 Pun Chun Yuen Monastery:
Please click images to enlarge:
由於橫七古道之行, 令大家都十分疲倦, 所以今天把榕樹凹之行改為參觀寺院.
先去布格仔村的龍山寺一行!! 在粉嶺火車站A3 出口下去, 便會見有免費巴士可直去龍山寺, 先排隊, 再慢慢等.
As we were still very tired to walk for a long trail, we had re-scheduled our visit to Yung Shue Au to a future date.
This morning, we arrived Fanling Railway Station @ Exit A3, then walked downstairs. There's a FREE shuttle bus for Lung Shan Temple,
which is in Po Kak Tsai Village. Queue up first!! In just 15-20 mins, we arrived Lung Shan Temple.
先去寺內的12生肖石林. 看花老B 的馴龍技巧!!
Now we were at the "Chinese Zodiac statues garden"! See how Tachibana san tamed a dragon!!
The Chinese Zodiac statues garden!
Pig~ "I love you, Tachibana"
Tachibana san ~ "I love you too, Piggy, let me give you a kiss!"
打一下鐘, 可保平安? 花老B 也來打了一下.
"Hit the bell for a peaceful year"?? Tachibana san also "hit" the bell once.
寺中留影~ 這裡也有許願樹, 幸好只放上小小的紙牌, 否則樹可不保.
Snapshots@ Lung Shan Temple~ Wishing trees are here! Luckily only light and small paper for wish-making are attached to it, otherwise the trees will fall down!
龍山寺的素食很不錯, 值得一試! 相中是其中一道菜 "素腿扒時蔬"
The veg food is very good here! The photo is showing one of the dishes we ordered~ "Veg ham with assorted vegetables".
The menu is in Chinese only, seems no English one available.
Walked around the temple.
午飯後時間尚早, 大家決定去太和的 "半春園" 一遊.
We still had plenty of time after lunch. So we decided to have a visit @ Pun Chun Yuen, in Tai Wo.
去半春園: 太和火車站 A 出口, 經太和廣場去錦和橋, 再去"錦石新村". 入村後步向錦山路的 "挪威國際學校", 沿錦山路向蓮澳(日榮花園)方向走至的士站, 再沿石蓮路上山.
To Pun Chun Yuen: From exit A of Tai Wo Railway station, walk through Tai Wo Plaza (shopping mall), then cross Kam Wo Bridge and reach Kam Shek New village.
Then walk to NIS (Norwegian International School) which is located @ Kam Shan Road. Walk along Kam Shan Road till the end, there's a taxi stop there.
Then walk up the hillside along SHek Lin Road which is just next to Kam Shan Road.
沿石蓮路上山, 一直步至天橋下, 便會見到"半春園"
Walk along Shek Lin Road until you can see the flyover. Pun Chun Yuen is nearby.
半春園內鳥語花香, 景色優美, 是另一個"龍仔悟園". 而且有素食供應, 下回必來一試!!
Pun Chun Yuen is a wonderful place with pavilions, flowers and ponds, just looks like Lung Tsai Garden in Lantau.
There's vegetarian food for visitors, we will come again to have a meal here!!
無意之間發現 "半春園"對面有一宏偉寺院, 即去一看. 之後發現這宏偉寺院早已荒廢, 入口給樹掩蓋!!
這麼美麗的地方, 為何會給丟在深山呢? 這寺院連名字也沒有, 真的很奇怪
We discovered a beautiful monastery at the opposite side of Pun Chun Yuen. So we rushed there for a walk.
But we found that this monastery is already abandoned and the entrance is "swallowed" by the trees.
We don't know the name of this monastery, but just doubt that why such a beautiful monastery is being "dumped" here.
續遊半春園, 已是黃昏, 景色更美, 令人依依不捨.
We were back to Pun Chun Yuen for our visit. It was near the time for sunset, the scene was more beautiful.