**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
大帽深山登施樂 響石後山落荃灣 (暢遊施樂園後山 + 響石墳場)
Fun @ the back of Sze Lok Yuen Hostel & the hillside of Heung Shek Cemetery
(荃灣西站 E 出口→九巴 51 號→郊野公園站→大帽山道→禁區→施樂園入口→川龍方向→下山後左轉往川龍→青年旅舍路牌後方下山→響石墳場後山→響石墳場→川龍響石→城門引水道→老圍→圓玄學院→香海船廟→荃灣市中心→石圍角邨→荃灣地鐵站)
(Exit E of Tsuen Wan West MTR station→KMB bus no. 51→Country Park bus-stop→Tai Mo Shan Road→Restricted Area [Green house]→YHA Sze Lok Yuen Hostel→Mountain trail for Chuen Lung→Go downstairs and then turn LEFT→Road signage for YHA→Mountain trail at the back of YHA Road signage→Mountain area near Heung Shek Cemetery→Heung Shek Cemetery→Heung Shek [Sound Stone]→Shing Mun Catchwater→Lo Wai Village→Yuen Yuen Institue→Heung Hoi Ship Temple→The way for Tsuen Wan Town Centre→Shek Wai Kok Estate→Tsuen Wan MTR station)
施樂園 Sze Lok Yuen Hostel.
@ the Restricted Area (for cars) of Tai Mo Shan.
This way for Sze Lok Yuen Hostel.
In front of Sze Lok Yuen Hostel -- Reservation is required.
Go up for Chuen Lung.
Admiring Tai Mo Shan @ the back of Sze Lok Yuen Hostel.
有分义位, 轉左才是川龍, 我們先右轉看看可通往哪裡.
Turn left for Chuen Lung.
But we turned right first, to have a look where the road is leading to.
Turn right and go deep inside the woods.

The road ends at the back of Sze Lok Yuen Hostel.
We went back for Chuen Lung.
There is a hiking trail at the back of this road signage.
響石墳場後山, 下山的泥路有點斜.
We were at the mountain trail which is at the back of Heung Shek Cemetery.
You can also go up for Tai Mo Shan Fire Lookout from here.
響石墳場 Heung Shek Cemetery.
響石 The Sound Stone of Chuen Lung - Heung Shek.
@ 城門引水道, 涼亭後下山, 可直達圓玄學院
@ the pavilion of Shing Mun Catchwater, just go downstairs at the back of the pavilion and you can reach Yuen Yuen Institue and Lo Wai Village.
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