**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
迷霧馬鞍渡北港 (馬鞍山→西貢北港→西貢碼頭)
Hiking inside the fog from Ma On Shan to Sai Kung.
@Ma On Shan Barrier
(Ma On Shan MTR station→Village bus for Ma On Shan Village @ Ground Floor of MOS Town Shopping Mall→Ma On Shan Village→MacLehose Trail Section 4→Ngong Ping→The way for Gilwell Campsite→Mau Ping Resting Area→The way for Pak Kong→Pak Kong Road @ Sai Kung→Walk to Sai Kung Pier)
Plan A (original plan) -- 7.5km:
Ma On Shan Village→MacLehose Trail Section 4→Gilwell Campsite→Kowloon Peak
Plan B (Finally we chose plan B due to the fog) -- 4 - 4.5km:
Ma On Shan Village→MacLehose Trail Section 4→Pak Kong @ Sai Kung
今早到達馬鞍山村, 霧比想像中濃厚, 山上的能見度更低, 大約 100-200 米左右.
本來今日的行程, 是 Plan A, 由馬鞍山走上飛鵝山, 但見山徑全被濃霧包裹, 地面滿是泥濘及雨水, 非常濕滑, 不利長線 (7km 濕滑山路不是好玩的事), 於是在霧中展開會議, 商討後, 大家決定改變行程 Plan B, 短走去西貢北港算了.
Plan A, 要留待天氣乾時再去.
We arrived Ma On Shan village before 10:00 am.
It was really foggy and very humid (RH 95%), with visibility < 200 metres.
The mountain trails were covered by fog, and mud was everywhere that made the road not good for hiking.
Our original plan for today was going to Gilwell Campsite and Kowloon Peak from Ma On Shan Village via MacLehose Trail Section 4, approximately 7.5km.
As the condition of the hiking trail was really bad, we switched to Plan B, which is shortening our trip to 4-4.5km, to end our walk @ Pak Kong Village, Hiram's Highway, Sai Kung.
Really a bit difficult to see clearly what is written on the direction signage.
霧已很濃, 當我們走到山上的涼亭吃旱餐時, 突然一陣濃霧湧入涼亭, 妖霧把我們重重包圍, 西貢結界移至馬鞍山, 很刺激啊!!!
我們繼續吃早餐, 妖霧嚇不到我們, 很快, 馬鞍山結界自行關閉.
We had breakfast inside a pavilion @ the hillside, but suddenly it became more and more foggy, we were all surrounded by fog!!!
Ok, the notorious "Sai Kung Barrier" has moved to Ma On Shan and now activated!
WTF!!! You want to scare us away?
We ignored the weird fog and it disappeared in a short time, Ma On Shan Barrier closed.....
HK Urban Legend -- Sai Kung Barrier
在昂平, 只看見霧, 大金鐘完全看不到
Pyramid Hill was 100% invisible when we arrived Ngong Ping.
在茅坪大休時, 霧已漸散, 但往基維爾營地的山徑, 非常濕滑.
We had a break @ Mau Ping Resting Area, it was less foggy but the hiking trail for Gilwell Campsite was still very wet and slippery.
Going downstairs for Pak Kong, Sai Kung.
終於到了西貢, 由於時間尚早, 我們步行往西貢碼頭.
Finally we arrived Sai Kung.
It was just 14:30, we walked to Sai Kung Pier via Hiram's Highway.
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