An autumn heatwave combat @ Fat Mun Ancient Path, Ngong Ping
(東涌巴士總站 23號巴士→昂平總站→寶蓮寺→昂平營地方向→法門古道 [東山法門]→石門甲→34號巴士)
(Tung Chung Bus Terminus [ NLB bus no.23 ] →Ngong Ping bus terminus→Po Lin Monastery→The way for Ngong Ping camp site→Fat Mun Ancient Path→Shek Mun Kap→NLB bus no. 34)
今天到了久違的昂平, 不過天氣仍然炎熱.....
A visit to Ngong Ping today.... but still very hot...!!
到了寶蓮寺, 跟大佛打招呼.
Salute to Buddha @ Po Lin Monastery.
Amitabha!!! The sun looks like a red flower this morning, incredibly beautiful!!!!
向心經簡林方向走, 再往寶林禪寺十方道場.
Moving to the way for Wisdom Path and then going to Po Lam Zen Monastery.
Beautiful Lantau Peak.
東山法門牌坊, 亦是法門古道的入口, 是去東涌的時候了. 由這裡開始走到石門甲之前, 沒有手機及互聯網訊號, 回歸自然, 一塵不染.
The doorway "Tung Shan Fat Mun" -- the entrance of Fat Mun Ancient Path, now it is the time for Tung Chung. From here until reaching Shek Mun Kap, no internet or mobile phone signals is available. A complete cutoff from the modern world, great, back to the nature!!
這裡汽車不能通過, 但寺院的小型運輸車則例外, 方便僧人運送日用品.
NO traffic allowed @ Fat Mun Ancient Path except the ones for the monks to transport daily commodities.
Oh Buddha!!!
法門古道的美麗風景, 像油畫!!
Beautiful scenes along Fat Mun Ancient Path.
Now @ Po Lam Zen Monastery.
Now going to Tung Chung.
Buddhist monasteries @ Fat Mun Ancient Path.
水潭邊稍作停留, 清涼舒暢.
We had a rest near the pond, very cool here!!
Weird pavilion..... :P
到了石門甲羅漢寺, 在村公所旁有巴士回東涌地鐵站.
Finally we were @ Lo Han Monastery, there is a bus-stop near the village office of Shek Mun Kap Village. You can take this bus for Tung Chung MTR station.