Visit to Lung Tsai Garden and to meet the Flying Dragon @ Tsz Hing Monastery
(Tung Chung Bus terminus→NLB bus no.11→Get off @ Lung Chai→Keung Shan (South) Catchwater→Lung Chai Garden→Walk via Lantau Trail no.4, to Man Cheung Po Campsite→Tsz Hing Monastery)
從東涌乘坐11號巴士, 在龍仔站的郊野公園入口下車 (即觀音寺的下一個車站, 羗山南引水道). 沿引水道前進, 向著往萬丈布的方向走.
Take bus no.11 from Tung Chung Bus Terminus and get off @ Lung Tsai stop. (that is the NEXT bus-stop from Guan-yin monastery, Keung Shan Catchwater [South]). Walk along the catchwater and just follow the direction signs for Man Cheung Po.
沿途山林美景不絕~~ 見到一列路牌後, 就由這裡上山, 再往萬丈布的方向走.
Beautiful scenes along the trail~~ when you see these road signs, remember to go uphill and follow the yellow direction sign for Man Cheung Po.
行山交义點~~ 向左(泥路)是往龍仔悟園, 向右 (石屎路) 是直接上山往慈興寺的.
Oooops~ which way should we go? The left one (the sandy trail) is for Lung Tsai Garden, but the path @ the right side (the light grey road) is for going uphill to Tsz Hing Temple.
到了龍仔悟園外, 在水壩前看湖心亭及九曲橋.
Now just outside Lung Tsai Garden, and had a look for the beautiful golden pavilion and zig-zag bridge.
The gate of Lung Tsai Garden is locked..... ooooooops
在途上遇上同行的山友, 大家一起從秘道進入悟園.
I met 3 visitors when I was going to the garden, so we went into Lung Tsai Garden together via a "Mysterious path"!!
龍仔悟園有很多古色古香的建築物, 中式花園更是吸引.
Inside Lung Tsai Garden~ lots of Chinese-style old buildings and a beautiful garden.
An old statue of Aryavalokitesvara Bodhisattva.
The golden pavilion and the zig-zag bridge.
The blue-green main building.
另一座古老石樓~ 智慧居
Another old stone building~ Chi Wai Kui (The house of Wisdom).
進入園內另一間空置已久的大屋探秘~~ 有點陰森....
Now @ another abandoned house~ it looks like a haunted house!
離開悟園, 經鳳凰徑上山往萬丈布附近的慈興寺
Had left Lung Tsai Garden~ then walked uphill via Lantau Trail for Tsz Hing Monastery, which is near Man Cheung Po.
Have a look @ this little monastery~ Po Tor Monastery!
不遠的山上, 那一堆建築物便是慈興寺.
Tsz Hing Monastery is located @ the hillside not far away from here!
Beautiful landscape scenes near Tsz Hing Monastery.
Now we had reached Tsz Hing Monastery!
慈興寺一向不作對外開放, 但今天非常幸運~ 終於開門了!! 得寺內的義工同意下, 今天終可上山看寺內的飛龍!!! (不過回程時門又關上了, 可能只是那一刻打開了! 機會就只此一次, 非常難得!)
Here is the main entrance of Tsz Hing Monastery, which is NOT open to public! But very lucky this afternoon~ the door was open!! With the consent from the people there, we were allowed to have a look @ the flying dragon!! (The flying dragon is owned by the monastery and it is fixed on some rocks on the slope, which is inside the monastery)
爬上像無限長的樓梯, 上山看飛龍!!! (樓梯屬於寺院所有, 由於怕打擾修行人士, 所以一般情況下都無法經此處上山)
Go upstairs via these never-ending staircases for the flying dragon. (The staircases are the property of the monastery. Usually outsiders cannot go into the monastery, so they cannot reach the flying dragon from here. This is to ensure that the monks and people coming for meditation will NOT be disturbed.)
飛龍後面的小路~ 又斜又滑!! (請不要破壞飛龍!! 牠已經很老了)
A footpath at the back of the flying dragon~ bumpy and slippery! (Please do NOT touch the flying dragon... it is very old already!)
岩石上的飛龍~ 花老B 終於可抓住牠的尾巴!!
See the flying dragon!!!!!! Tachibana San could grab its tail today!
The waterfall was dried out.....