Half-day visit @ Kadoorie Farm
(大埔火車站→巴士總站64K 巴士→嘉道理農場)
(Tai Po Market Railway Station→Bus no. 64K @ bus terminus→Kadoorie Farm bus-stop)
到了嘉道理農場, 即到場內的巴士站登上登山巴士. (入場費: HK$20, 長者免費; 登山巴士: HK$10, 長者HK$5)
After we had arrived Kadoorie Farm, we quickly queued up and got on the bus for going up to Guan-yin Peak.
(Entrance fee: adults:~ HK$20, free for senior citizens; shuttle bus: adults:~ HK$10, for senior citizens~ HK$5)
巴士到了觀音山(1812呎), 大家下車拍照觀光. 這裡可清楚看到大帽山, 既然來到, 當然不再坐巴士, 改為步行下山.
The bus stopped @ Guan-yin peak (1812 ft.), we all got off to have sightseeing! We could see Tai Mo Shan (the highest peak in HK) clearly from here, of course, we did not want to leave by bus, so we all agreed to walk downhill along the traffic road.
從山頂下來約5分鐘, 來到胡挺生紀念亭. 園內有一大片松林, 松果非常肥大!!
After a 5-minute's walk from the hilltop, we had reached Woo Ting Sang Memorial Pavilion, where we could see quite a large pine forest~ with big pine fruit everywhere on the grass!
山頂小屋~ 是洗手間
Mountain Lodge~ a washroom
Plum blossom~ with lovely scent!
Inside the orchid garden.
炮杖花???? 真的很像一串串的炮杖
These lovely flowers really look like Chinese firecrackers.
@ 1270 呎~ 把呎改成 "米" 會更好....
Now @ a height of 1270 feet.... better change it from "Ft." to "m"~!!
Beautiful scenes everywhere!!!!!
夕陽無限好, 只是近黃昏~ 已是下午4時半, 距離閉館只有半小時, 要急步下山了.
We were attracted by the beautiful sunset scenes and forgot the time.... Now already 16:30, the farm will be closed at 17:00!! We had to go downhill ASAP!!
Autumn leaves and little pink flowers @ the hillside!!!
眼神迷人的貓頭鷹 (可惜給樹枝擋住了)! ~ 此時, 園內的管理員催促我們要快點下山了.
A big owl with attractive eyes!! (behind the branch!!)~ the staff of the farm told us to walk quickly before the entrance is closed....
Mr Kadoorie was @ the exit, thanked every visitor for coming.