Upper Keung Shan Visit + Upper Keung Shan Kwun Yam (Guan-yin) Monastery, Lantau
(Tung Chung→Sam Yuen Monastery in Upper Keung Shan→Upper Keung Shan Village→Shing Fai Orchard→Upper Keung Shan Guan-yin Monastery)
到底為什麼我們會來三緣精舍? 其實是2-3 年前, 我們乘坐巴士經過羗山道時, 見有"三緣精舍" 的站牌, 大家都很好奇, 這裡到底是什麼地方,
所以早已打算到此一行. 在網上找不到有關它的資料, 有的都只說及此地是巴士站名之一, 大家對此地極之好奇, 所以便相約在新年之前到此地一行, 然後可順道去觀音寺.
今日有幸一探三緣精舍, 印象是山明水秀, 四周環境極為清幽寧靜, 是個非常理想的修行之地, 丟空了十分可惜. 希望有一天能開放給佛教徒舉行活動, 總比給用作骨灰龕好得多吧!!!
不過我們在"中原地圖"上找到三緣精舍的位置, 而既然巴士站亦以它為名, 想必舊日此地應該有點名氣吧!!
如有高人昔日曾訪此地, 希望能為我們賜教一些此地的資料.
Why we went to Sam Yuen Monastery for a walk? Actually around 2-3 years ago when we were in a bus-ride, we saw the signboard showing the name of this monastery.
We are attracted by the name of this monastery, and from that time we have been thinking of visiting this place.
We had searched for information online but never got any. So we decided to have a look before CNY 2011.
The area around this monastery is very silent and beautiful! It's a pity being abandoned.
Hope that it will be re-opened for Buddhist activities later.
接近早上10時, 到了東涌11號巴士站, 10:05會有巴士往大澳. 大約10:40, 於三緣精舍站下車(法華寺站的下一個站)
Arrived Tung Chung NLB bus station (for no.11) around 10am, there was a bus to Tai O at 10:05.
At about 10:40, we stopped at Sam Yuen Ching Shea (= Sam Yuen Monastery) bus-stop, which is one stop from Fat Wah Monastery.
下車後步向對面的入口, 此地極荒蕪, 連村口的巴士站亦取消了.
We got off and then walked to the opposite side for the entrance of Sam Yuen Monastery.
As this place is nearly unknown to most people, the bus-stop outside seems to be cancelled and being covered.
有小路可直達, 中途亦有舊路牌作指示. 向左是進入羗山村, 右邊才是三緣精舍.
There's a little footpath leading to the monastery, and also with a rusted yellow direction sign.
Turn right for the monastery, the left-hand side is for Keung Shan village.
中途有美麗大石澗, 過橋後再接上山路前走.
There's a beautiful stream!! Crossed a bridge and then walked via a mountain path.
穿過山路會有分义路, 右邊是往羗山村. 大家先入羗山村一看, 這裡環境清幽, 有不少農地, 村民自給自足, 與世無爭, 請勿打擾村民的寧靜.
We walked through the mountain path and there are two ways to go at the end. The right-hand side is for Keung Shan village.
We entered Keung Shan village to have a look. There are some farmlands and the villagers here grow their own food and living happily.
Please don't disturb them.
退回山路, 左邊見此廢屋, 再進入便是三緣精舍.
Back to the mountain path. Turn to the left-hand side. When you can see this little old village house, keep on walking inside, and you'll see Sam Yuen Monastery.
三緣精舍在此!! 門前有燈, 屋頂有黃色煙囪!! 不過精舍已被鎖上, 再沒有人在此, 有點可惜.
Here's Sam Yuen Monastery!!! There's a lamp and a yellow chimney at the top of the monastery! But it's already locked and nobody is living here any more.
We had a look at the back of the monastery.
離開三緣精舍, 大家沿羗山道向觀音寺方向下山, 中途經過成輝果園巴士站, 入內一探.
We left Sam Yuen Monastery and walked along Keung Shan Road, to the direction of Guan-yin (Kwun Yam) monastery.
We passed the bus-stop of Shing Fai Orchard and walked inside to have a look.
成輝果園入口, 牌子已倒下, 看來果園已荒廢. 但沿小路進入後, 才發現內有小村落, 仍有不少村民居住!!
We entered Shing Fai Orchard from the fallen road sign. The fruit farm seems being abandoned long time ago.
But when we walked down, we discovered that there's a village here with a number of villagers living in!!
我們從荒廢果園的後面進入一看, 內裡仍有不少果樹. 當我們要離開時, 赫然有兩位四腳保安員在園外監視著我們的一舉一動!!
兩位四腳保安員最後把我們驅趕至村口巴士站, 還堅持目送我們離開....
We entered the abandoned orchard from the back to have a look, there are still a number of fruit trees inside.
When we came out, we found that there were already two four-legged security guards staring us near the orchard.
These 2 four-legged security guards just kept on watching us leaving this place until we walked out of the village and back to the bus-stop.
再沿羗山道下山至觀音寺, 有大石澗!! 正想接近拍照時, 又有一極不友善的四腳保安員從石澗跑上來, 不停對我們大叫!!
We walked along Keung Shan road to Guan-yin monastery, and we saw a big stream here!!
When we wanted to take some photos, an un-friendly 4-legged security guard suddenly ran up from the stream and barked to us!!
We even cannot have a look @ the stream????
到了羗山觀音寺!! (中, 下) 佛法詳解, 及法會資料
Now we were in front of Keung Shan Guan-yin monastery! (Middle, Bottom) What's meant by "Amitabha"?; and details of Buddhist activities.
有隊友已給我分了餸菜: 橙色的是素咕嚕肉!! 另有其他蔬菜, 顏色很鮮艷!!
Team-mates had prepared each of us a dish of food! The orange stuff was "Vegetarian sweet and sour pork", together with assorted vegetables!
The food looked colourful and delicious!
Had taken photos inside the monastery.
B-Duck 也出來拍照!!
Even B-Duck loves this place so much!