Short walk @ Tung Chung and Chek Lap Kok
(東涌MTR D 出口→向翔東路方向及白芒進發→回東涌昂平360 車站→過天橋再步至赤立角南路→步入赤立角島→機場古物園對面引水道→進入昔日赤立角古村)
(Tung Chung MTR station, Exit D→The way to Cheung Tung Road and Pak Mong→Back to NP 360 Cable Car station→Walk to the opposite side to Chek Lap Kok South Road from a flyover→Walk to Chek Lap Kok Island→Enter the Catchwater at the opposite side of the Historical Garden of HK International Airport→Enter the old Chek Kap Kok village)
**Please note that NO Streams can be seen at Tei Po until Dec 2011, as that area is being blocked for the construction of another new footpath leading to Pak Mong for HK Olympic Path.
Pls. click the images to enlarge:
今天在東涌地鐵 D 出口往富東街, 再向翔東路方向前行, 中途會見到"香港奧運徑" 的指示牌, 不過通向香港奧運徑的小徑其實仍在興建中, 要在2011年12月才會完成.
Just started our day from Exit D, Tung Chung MTR station this morning. Then walked to Fu Tung Street and moved to Cheung Tung Road. THere's a signboard showing "HK Olympic Trail". But actually the new path leading to
the start point of HK Olympic Trail is still under construction (until Dec 2011).
原來進入"香港奧運徑" 的山路已給封閉, 現正進行興建新小徑的工程. 將來山路不知會變成怎樣呢?
2009年10月10日時曾經由古舊山路前往"香港奧運徑", 現再來回味一下:
The original mountain path (with lots of streams there!!) leading to HK Olympic Trail is already blocked for the construction of a new footpath
(So we don't need to climb up and down to cross those streams in the future!!)
To have a look at the original look of the mountain path which is blocked, see the URL below:
再看10號石澗, 非常憤怒!! 原本種滿竹樹的地方, 竹樹大部份給斬了, 河流亦乾了!!! 如此破壞環境, 真的豈有此理!!
When we went to stream no.10 to have a look, we were very shocked and angry to find out that, most of the bamboo trees were chopped off!! And the rivers now became dry!!! What is going on here????
The original look of this place:
再去低埔的"佛教青年康樂營"看, 此地彷如荒廢, 本來地方非常優美, 看來很浪費, 不知會否重開??
We walked to "Buddhist Youth Camp" in Tei Po (near the entrance of Cheung Tung Road), but the hostel is closed. Is it already abandoned? A pity!! Hope it can be opened for rental later.
離開低埔, 向赤立角出動! 怎樣由東涌步行至赤立角? 先去東涌的昂平纜車, 再步向旁邊的"達東路花園", 然後在花園內步上天橋, 過去對面.
你眼前的小島便是"赤立角島"!! 還可以看見纜車!!
We left Tei Po and moving forward to Chek Lap Kok! How to reach Chek Lap Kok on foot??
First go to Ngong Ping Cable Car station near Tung Chung MTR station, Exit B. Then walk to Tat Tung Road Garden and walk to the flyover inside. Cross the road from the flyover and you'll see an island in front of you!
That is Chek Lap Kok island!
步下天橋, 面前有兩條路, 選擇接近馬路的那一條, 繼續沿車路前行.
Walked down from the flyover and there are 2 paths now. Stick to the one near the traffic road and keep on walking.
步至東涌海濱路後, 再向前走, 便到達赤立角南路. 進入赤立角後, 會看到纜車的轉向站及赤立角的海岸.
When you've reached Chek Lap Kok Waterfront Road, just keep on moving forward and you'll enter Chek Lap Kok South Road. From there, you can see the Angle Station for the cable cars, and the beautiful sea coast of Chek Lap Kok island.
步至"過路灣路" 的路牌旁.
Now @ Kwo Lo Wan Road.
"過路灣路" 的路牌對面, 有引水道的入口, 我們從那兒進入因興建機場而令居民要搬遷, 從而荒廢多年的赤立角村.
入口已給樹木封閉, 全村已陷於森林之中, 非常陰森恐怖. 內有不少蜘蛛, 亦可能有蛇, 大家來此一遊時, 請多留意!
There's a catchwater at the opposite side of "Kwo Lo Wan Road". We entered from there for the original Chek Lap Kok Village, which is abandoned many years ago, due to the construction of the HK International Airport.
The catchwater is under the trees and the whole village is covered by the woods, it's quite dark and cold inside, with lots of spiders, maybe with snakes also. Be careful when you have fun here.
撥開樹叢, 看見黃色村屋了. 這"黃屋" 是保存得最好及最像一間屋了. 其餘的村屋大都破爛及倒塌.
We came out from the bushes and here's the Yello House, which is the ONLY one still in quite a good condition. The other village houses are ruined and some are collapsed.
黃屋的背面, 屋旁有一個"七喜" 的鐵牌, 這裡應該曾經是一間士多.
We took some photos at the back of the "Yelllow House". There's a rusted "7UP" metal plate at the roof of the Yellow House, we believe this place was a food stall in the past.
黃屋旁的垃圾堆中, 有舊式電視機的半邊機殼, 有倒塌了的電燈柱, 亦有斷了的柱子. 昔日此地都應該曾經繁榮過一段時間吧!
Near the Yellow House, we discovered part of an old television, a fallen street lamp post, a broken pillar.... There should be some good days here in the past.
Walked inside the forest, to have a look at the other side of the village.
荒村的另一邊有很多廢屋, 還有床架, 馬桶, 水池, 破舊灶頭!!
More interesting things to see at the other side of the village! Old houses, bed, toilet, stone water tank and stone stoves!!
無意間發現斷了的石橋(上), 以及一條給樹蓋住了的村路(下).
由於森林的深處實在太荒蕪, 而且不斷聽見森林內有動物的步行聲... 為免大家有危險, 我們的古村探秘行, 到此為止.
We discovered a broken bridge (Top), and a village road covered by the trees (Bottom).
As we heard strange noises deep inside the forest (maybe some wild animals walking to us!!), in order to prevent any accidents happen, we ended our village visit here and didn't go further.
離開古村, 從引水道的另一邊徹退.
We left the village from another side of the catchwater.
The new Tung Chung pier.
Had a look at Tung Chung from Chek Lap Kok island.