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Photographic tour @ Shek Pik Reservoir(Tung Chung→Shek Pik Bay→Shek Pik Rock Carvings→Mt. Shek Mun Shan→Tung Wan Bay→Shek Pik Reservoir)
Map for ref:
Pls. click img to enlarge:
今早在東涌乘坐 NLB 11號巴士, 於石壁水塘下車, 一下車, 寒風剌骨, 石壁這邊大概只有7-8度, 凍得大家全身震, 即以暖包取暖. 沿"古代石刻" 牌子從石壁水塘路下山, 中途可見到石壁監獄.
We took NLB bus no.11 from Tung Chung this morning and got off at Shek Pik Reservoir. The wind was so strong this morning, and the temperature was just 7-8C. We had to use those "warm pads" to keep ourselves warm in order to move. We walked down the slope along Shek Pik Reservoir Road, from the road sign showing the way to "Ancient Rock Carving", and we could see Shek Pik Prison nearby also.
沿石壁水塘路一直往下走, 會再見到另一個"古代石刻" 牌子, 不久會到達石壁廠. 附近還有數間廢屋.
Walking along Shek Pik Reservoir Road and you'll see another road sign showing the direction to "Ancient Rock Carving". Then you'll see "Shek Pik Depot" and some abandoned houses.
大家不忘一探廢屋, 之後在廢屋後發現秘道一條, 試一闖. 原來是通往石壁灣(地圖上叫涌口)!! 嚴冬之中在海邊閒逛, 真的很有"風味"!
We had fun near those old houses and then we discovered a path leading to the seaside!! We walked down to Shek Pik Bay (from the map, the official name should be Chung Hau!). We had a walk along Shek Pik Bay and nearly frozen when the sea breeze was chasing us!!
從石壁灣的盡頭走向堤壩, 附近是石壁監獄的職員宿舍.
We walked to the end of the beach to the embankment, and found that there are some hostels for the staff of Shek Pik Prison.
職員宿舍的對面有一座破舊的"洪聖古廟", 旁邊還有村屋的碎片. 這裡應該曾經是舊石壁村(石壁水塘興建之前)的一部份吧?
There's an old temple ~ "Hung Shing Temple" at the opposite side of the staff hostel, with a ruined village house nearby. This should be part of the disappeared Shek Pik Village (due to the construction of Shek Pik Reservoir, Shek Pik village no longer exists.)
步向新石壁變電站, 去看古代石刻.
Walked to the New Shek Pik Substation and moved forward to see the "Ancient Rock Carving"
大家跟牛群玩了一段時間, 小牛很可愛, 但非常害羞, 一直坐著不敢出來玩. 反而牛媽媽對花老B 非常有興趣, 還忍不住吻了他一下.
We played with the cows for a while. The cattle was very cute but looked very shy and didn't play with us at all. Its mother loved Tachibana san so much and even gave him a kiss.
Shek Pik Prison and the Country Park Management centre.
再上山, 今次向紅十字會的渡假營前走, 目的地是東灣.
Moved upwards again! This time we walked to the camp site of Red Cross, which is at the seaside of Tung Wan.
到達東灣後, 沿山路上石門山, 向水口方向上山.
When we had reached Tung Wan, we moved upwards to Mt. Shek Mun Shan and walked along the forest path to Shui Hau.
上石門山途中, 山路上有4枝用來拜祭的香燭, 十分怪異, 難道有人在附近遇上靈異事件??
When we were walking along the path @ Mt. Shek Mun Shan, we saw 4 candles for worshipping left behind!! It's quite strange, there are NO villages and NO people living in this area, seems that somebody had a psychic encounter here....
Bamboo tree "tunnel" along the mountain path of Mt. Shek Mun Shan.
登上其中一小山坡的頂部, 回望已經在遠處的石壁監獄.
We walked to the top of a slope and looked back to Shek Pik Prison, which was already far away from us.
看見另一小山的頂部標柱. 由於已經過了中午12時, 大家希望把握天色明朗的期間到水塘拍照, 所以只有幾位隊友繼續前往石欖洲, 其他人便原路下山.
There's a geometrical pole at the top of another hill nearby... Now already 12 noon, we still wanted to continue the photographic tour @ Shek Pik Reservoir, so, only a few team-mates continued their walk to the campsite of Shek Lam Chau Island, the others all returned to the track we had walked from.
下山後, 在東灣的海邊遊玩.
We spent some time to have fun along the seaside of Tung Wan beach after we had walked down from Mt. Shek Mun Shan.
Back to Shek Pik Reservoir.
漫步羗山道至沙咀, 細看石壁水塘
Walked along Keung Shan Road to Sha Tsui, had a look @ Shek Pik Reservoir.
石壁水塘留影, 亦可看到鳳凰山及狗牙嶺.
Took some photos of the reservoir, we also could see Lantau Peak and Kau Nga Lang here.
羗山道一個人也沒有, 但卻舒適寧靜
Nobody and no cars along Keung Shan Road, but the silence made it looked more attractive.