5th visit to Sunset Peak (Starts From Pak Kung Au this time) ~ 2.5km x 2, approx 3-4 hrs
鳳凰徑伯公坳起點: 海拔350米
鳳凰徑至大東山山腰 (不經山頂): 海拔800-810米
大東山山頂: 海拔869米
**大東山山頂不屬鳳凰徑範圍, 但有明顯山徑可登頂, 登頂位置於L014 標柱旁
About the route from Pak Kung Au → Sunset Peak
Lantau Trail 2 Start point (from Pak Kung Au) -- 350m above sea level
Lantau Trail 2 Sunset Peak (NOT the top) -- 800-810m above sea level
Top of Sunset Peak -- 869m above sea level
** The top of Sunset Peak is NOT part of Lantau Trail 2, but you can still walk to the top via the path near Distance post L014.
Please click images to enlarge:
今早於東涌乘NLB 巴士上伯公坳(3M, 11), 0930 到達起步點.
We took an NLB bus this morning from Tung Chung (3M or 11), and reached Pak Kung Au, the start point, at 0930.
起步先上兩層勁斜石級, 稍為小休, 對面是全港第二高的鳳凰山.
Had to walked up two steep slopes (stone staircases). The opposite side is Lantau Peak, the 2nd highest mountain in HK.
Quite tired to move upwards.
深秋的高山上全是黃金草, 景色美得不得了.
The autumn scene is incredibly beautiful. Golden grassland everywhere.
到達標柱 L014, 我們已來到海拔 800-810米的高原上. 現時11:00, 已走了90分鐘. 現向爛頭營方向走, 即是南山的方向. 今早風勢非常猛烈, 連站都站不穩, 很辛苦才替花老B 拍下此照.
Now we were at Distance post L014, the height is around 800-810 metres above sea level. It was 11:00am, we had walked for 90 mins from Pak Kung Au. Now we should move to Lantau Camp, which is at the direction of Nam Shan. The wind was very strong this morning, we nearly couldn't stand up.
無論何時, 爛頭營都是那麼迷人, 即使走90分鐘來一看亦是值得.
Lantau Camp is here! The camp houses look GREAT, worth to spend 90 mins to walk up and have a look!
山谷中有游泳池? 非也, 這裡是大東山有名的 "天池", 其實是貯水池, 把食水輸送給營舍. 地面有水管, 可供應給營屋.
Swimming pool between the valleys? Actually it's a water supply for the camp houses. There are water pipes on the ground also.
花老B 身後的是大東山上著名的 "蠄蟝石", 外型古怪. 旁邊是爛頭營15號.
The rock at the back of Tachibana san is called "Kam Kui Stone" (Kam Kui = toad) due to its strange outlook. There's camp house no.15 nearby.
可供租用的18號營屋. 經過翻新, 看起來更吸引了.
This is Camp House no.18, which is still for rental. It seems being renewed and now in light grey, makes it look more attractive.
18號營屋旁邊是一大片黃金草原. 芒草在陽光下閃閃發亮, 隨風擺動, 美如一張圖畫.
A big piece of Golden grassland outside camp house no.18. The golden grass looked like shining under the sunlight and moved as the wind was blowing.
花老B 向二東山出發, 一探營屋.
Now Tachibana san was going to have a look at the camp houses at Mt. Yi Tung Shan (二東山).
The camp houses look cute!
折回大東山方向, 雖已深秋, 路上仍有不少野菊花.
Back to the way to Sunset Peak. Although it's near winter, there are still many wild flowers all around the highland.
再遊走黃金草原~ 花老B 邊跑邊笑: "黃金草原很美啊!"
Playing on the Golden grassland.
在標柱L014 附近, 有一小山徑可上至大東山的山頂. 我們忍不住要登頂.
There's a footpath which leads to the top of Sunset Peak. We couldn't wait, quickly climbed up to have a look.
於頂部附近(海拔830米左右)看爛頭營及"蠄蟝石"!! 原來"蠄蟝石"很大呢!
Now we were at a height of around 830m above sea level. From this height, we could clearly see Lantau camp and Toad Stone. Actually this "toad" is much bigger than we think.
We could see Pui O from another side.
由於此山徑是天然山徑, 地上全是凹凸不平的岩石, 而今天的風勢又一直都非常強勁, 我們根本站不穩, 為免危險, 大家決定不再上行, 回程下山.
Actually the "path" leading to the top of Sunset Peak is NOT part of Lantau Trail. So there is NO footpath at all. Just a "road" formed by the footprints of the hikers. Whenever after heavy rain or there's strong wind, the path will be covered by grass and hardly to trace. There are rocks everywhere, making us difficult to keep balances. As the wind was so strong this morning, finally we gave up moving to the top.
小徑在草叢內, 風勢一增便看不到.
The path is covered by the grass.
最後一段能看到的小徑, 其餘給草掩住了. 不小心給地上的石絆倒, 滑下小段山坡, 幸好沒有受傷, 但卻偏離了原路, 與大家分散了. 幸好有行山人士經過, 替我引路重回鳳凰徑.
This is the last scene of the "visible part" of the path. Other parts were inside the grass and became invisible. I stepped on some stones inside the grass and fell down. Although I didn't get hurt, I couldn't find the path I was walking on and also became far away from my team-mates. Luckily some hikers were passing by and they helped to lead me back to Lantau Trail.
重回主路, 是時候起程下山, 往石門甲吃午飯了.
Back to the main path (Lantau Trail). It was the time for us to leave and going for lunch @ Shek Mun Kap!
We were leaving!
崖邊小徑, 慢慢走.
A path near the cliff.
Lantau Peak and Kau Nga Lang.
終於回到伯公坳!! 即去對面乘巴士到石門甲.
Now we were back to Pak Kung Au! Then we rushed to the opposite side to get a bus to Shek Mun Kap!
往石門甲羅漢寺吃飯. 途中經過石門甲村, 有一新村屋在此!
We had our lunch @ Lo Han Monastery, inside Shek Mun Kap. We saw a new village house inside Shek Mun Kap Village when we were passing by.