珊珊來遲系列-- 大枕蓋上消失了的吊鐘花Short visit to Tai Cham Koi for pink hanging bell flowers (we missed the blooming peak time)(九巴 96R號→上窰站下車→大網仔路→西貢萬宜路→萬宜坳→涼亭附近樓梯→大枕蓋→原路回西貢萬宜路→上窰龍坑)
(KMB bus no. 96R→Sheung Yiu bus-stop→Tai Mong Tsai Road→Sai Kung Man Yee Road→Man Yee Au→Go upstairs near the pavillion outside the entrance of High Island Reservoir→Tai Cham Koi→Back to Man Yee Road→Lung Hang [Dragon Creek -- a creek near Sheung Yiu bus-stop])
Sai Kung Man Yee Road.

萬宜坳 Man Yee Au.

距離大枕蓋的山頂仍很遠, 今日沒有時間攻頂, 只為看吊鐘花, 可惜花已落, 只餘枝葉.
2026 農曆新年才會再開花.
Still quite a long way to reach the summit of Tai Cham Koi (408m above sea level).
We came here mainly for watching the hanging bell flowers, with the blooming season during the Chinese New Year (Jan to Feb).
But a pity to see only the branches and leaves in front of our eyes, the pink bell flowers all gone.
We will come here again for flower watching during CNY in 2026.
已經過了16:00, 要登頂至少要繼續上山35分鐘, 下山已經天黑, 山上沒有燈, 我們也沒有頭燈, 都是提早下山去北潭涌算了.
16:00, still with 35-45 mins' walk to reach the summit.
終於步行至上窰, 走落龍坑休息一會.