Picnic time @ Wong Shek Pier
(KMB bus no. 96R / 94→Wong Shek Pier bus terminus)
本來打算從黃石碼頭乘街渡往灣仔營地, 但突然來了一場近一小時的暴雨, 要下午才有船, 改變行程在黃石碼頭野餐算了.
Our plan this morning is to take a ferry for Wan Tsai Campsite (Wan Tsai Peninsula).
But when we arrived Wong Shek Pier, a big thunderstorm came suddenly and lasted for one hour.....
We have to wait for another ferry but it is quite late when we reach the campsite, so we changed our plan..... just stay @ Wong Shek Pier for a picnic, we have lots of snacks and drinks, a picnic is not bad, is it?

到處都是水, 不設營, 用大雨傘.